Removing the wall VK. How to delete all posts from a VK wall. How to clean an entire wall in VK at once using applications

Posts on the wall of a personal profile on the social network VKontakte, individually or all at once, may at some point become unpopular with the user. And, of course, he will want to get rid of them (remove photos, audio, video, etc.). However, how long will it take him to “clean up”?

If there are 5-10 notes in the feed, then no more than a minute, but if there are 300, 500, 1000, then... It turns out the same amount - just as quickly! But provided that the account owner knows how to clean the VKontakte wall using special software. All current and, most importantly, safe removal methods are presented to your attention.

Standard social network function

In order to selectively remove posts on the VKontakte wall (in small quantities), it is not at all necessary to use specialized cleaning tools. It will be enough to work a little with the mouse (without programs from third-party manufacturers):

1. In the feed, in the block of news that you want to delete, move the cursor to the upper right corner.

2. A cross icon will appear. Click on it to remove the entry from VKontakte.

Addon VkOpt

The multifunctional extension VkOpt, which increases the comfort of using the VKontakte website, is supported by all popular Internet browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera). Allows you to instantly clean the entire wall at once.

Installation instructions

(for Google Chrome)
1. Click the three stripes icon on the right side of the browser panel.

2. In the menu that opens, select “Settings”.

3. Go to the “Extensions” section (left click on its name).

4. At the bottom of the list of installed addons, click on the “More extensions” link.

5. In a new tab, on the Chrome online store page, in the “Search” field, type - Vkopt. Press "Enter".

6. In the search results, in the addon block (it’s the first in the list!), click on the “Install” button.

You can also install the extension in the browser directly on the developer’s official website:

1. Open the website -

2. On the main page, click "Download Page".

3. Scroll down the download web page a little. Then click on the “Install” button (it shows the Google Chrome logo).

Removal procedure

1. Log into your account on the VKontakte website.

2. When starting for the first time, VkOpt will prompt you to select the interface language. Select the appropriate option from the tiled menu.

3. In the profile menu (to the left of your avatar), click the “Wall” section.

4. On the new page, in the top panel, open the “Actions” drop-down menu with a mouse click.

5. Select the "Clean Wall" function. After activating it, the records will completely disappear.


Special scripts that allow you to quickly remove a wall are integrated into the code of your personal VKontakte page using various methods.

Important! Regardless of the implementation method used, use scripts only from developers you can trust. Otherwise, your account may be hacked.

Method #1: Manual Installation

(Google Chrome only)
1. Log in to VK.

2. On the open profile tab, press the F12 key. Or in the browser menu, open: Additional tools → Developer tools.

3. An additional panel will open on the left side of the page. In its horizontal menu, click the - icon (located next to the “Profiles” section).

4. In the drop-down submenu, click “Console”.

5. In the last line of the list of elements, after the “>” icon, insert this code:

for (var i=1;i

(copy - “CTRL+C”; paste - “CTRL+V”)

Note. If there are more than 530 posts on the wall, set the script loop condition to “i

6. To remove all posts from the wall, activate the code by pressing the “Enter” key.

Method No. 2: using addons

(solutions for Firefox)

Note. The instructions for Firebug and Greasemonkey do not include user scripts, since they quickly lose their relevance (that is, they lose their functionality) due to the fact that developers are constantly modernizing the design and functionality of VK. New solutions (scripts) can be found on specialized forums and social network communities.


1. Download and install the extension (

2. Click the “bug” icon on the top bar of the browser. The addon menu will open at the bottom of the window.

3. Click the mouse to activate the “Console” tab.

4. Insert the script into the right block.

5. Click the Run function.

Note. This option also allows you to clean the wall in a social group.


1. Install the extension from the page -

2. Open the addon menu: Tools → Greasemonkey.

3. Click the “Create script...” option. Enter the script code in the panel that opens. Or drag the script file into the Firefox window and confirm its installation.

Wishing you a quick cleaning of your VKontakte wall!

Nowadays, almost everyone is registered on social networks, so there is no need to explain what a VKontakte wall is. At the same time, quite often situations arise when users need to clean their wall. There are many who play games and, accordingly, they have many friends who love the same games and send gaming messages begging to your wall. Invitations to play some new game are also often sent.

We clean the VKontakte wall completely

Situations often arise when the wall is cluttered with all sorts of spam or invitations to some events. And it just happens that people who are unpleasant to you write on your wall, messages from whom you also want to delete. The process of removing unnecessary or unpleasant messages from a wall can be done in several ways. Each of these methods has both its advantages and disadvantages. Now we will look in detail at how to clean a wall in VK quickly.

How to delete all posts on a VKontakte wall

Method one: slow but sure

This method, on the one hand, is the simplest, but on the other hand, it is the most labor-intensive. It is suitable for those who either have a lot of free time and nothing to do, or those who have few notes on the wall. This method involves manually deleting each entry.

Step 1: You need to move the mouse cursor to the post on the wall. Whenever you move your cursor over a post on the wall, you will see the post light up slightly and two buttons appear: “like” and a cross.

Step 2: Click on the cross. By clicking on the cross, you delete this post from the wall. Note that you have the opportunity to restore it. This method is great for those who only need to remove a few unnecessary posts from the wall. In this case, the deletion process will not take much time, and you will be sure that you deleted exactly what you wanted.

How to quickly clean a wall in VK

Method two: script

Unfortunately, it is worth saying that the developers themselves did not provide for such an opportunity as cleaning the entire wall at once in one motion. As a result of this, you have to use the services and developments of third-party developers, that is, “scripts.” There is nothing complicated here. For this method, you will need the Greasemonkey program, which is built into your browser and gives you the ability to select the necessary scripts for the tasks you need. This program has only one “but”: it is designed and works only in Mozilla Firefox.

Step 1: You need to go to the official website of the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can go there from the browser itself. Next on the site you need to select “Addons” and, using the search, find the Greasemonkey program.

Step 2: Download and install this add-on.

Step 3: Restart the browser.

Step 4: Using search engines, look for a script that can be used to remove all posts from the wall. To do this, go to the “Toolbar” in the browser, select Greasemonkey and then select “Manage Plugins”. Then a new window will open with a search bar. By searching you will find the script you need and add it to yourself. You can also find a ready-made script online and add it to yourself. As you can see, cleaning a contact wall is quick and easy, the main thing is desire and time.

Video on how to clean an entire VK wall in a new design

How to make Yandex and Google the start page in Opera, Mazil

Many people offer different methods on their websites and in YouTube videos, but for some reason they don’t work. Some people offer a script, others a plugin, but everything is useless. And now I finally found a normal code with which you can really delete all posts from your wall.

The method is as follows: you need to open the developer panel in the browser and paste special code into the console. Now I will tell you in more detail how this is done.

I tested the code in Google Chrome and Mozilla. Through Mozila, it seemed to me, posts are deleted even faster than in Crome.

Deleting all posts from the VKontakte wall

Go to your VKontakte page, and then scroll as far as possible. While scrolling, old posts will be constantly loaded.

After some time, press the “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “I” keys simultaneously to open the developer panel.

Then, in this window, in the browser you need to click on the “Console” tab.

Copy the code below and paste it into this window by pressing "Ctrl" + "V".

Code for clearing VKontakte walls from posts

(function () ( "use strict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

(function () ( "use strict" ; if (! confirm ( "Should I delete all the posts from the wall?") ) return ; var deletePostLink = document . body. querySelectorAll( "a.ui_actions_menu_item") ; for (var i = 0 ; i< deletePostLink . length ; i ++ ) { deletePostLink [ i ] . click () ; } alert (deletePostLink . length + " posts deleted" ) ; } () ) ;

A warning will appear in the Mozilla browser that inserting various unknown codes is dangerous, and to confirm you need to enter something like “I allow insertion” in the line.

You have to wait for some time until a window appears telling you that so many posts have been deleted.

I have zero posts in the screenshot because there is nothing else to delete. That's basically all that needs to be done.

If you have a lot of posts, it is unlikely that you will be able to delete them at once. In this case, you need to repeat all the steps performed and delete some more of the records.

I only managed to delete all the posts for probably the sixth time, and the last post I deleted was posted on January 7, 2012 :)

Watch another video on how to delete all posts from a VKontakte wall

Many users who are tired of the posts on the wall of their page or their group, and decided to radically change something, are thinking about how to delete all posts from the VK wall at once. In the previous article we figured it out, in this same article I will show you how to delete all posts from the VK wall at once. Really working methods, even after updating the VKontakte design. Because most other methods have not worked for a long time, new ones may appear, but for now, use these methods.

I repeat once again that deleting all entries in a VK group and clearing the VK wall is the same process. And this can be done in the same way, which you will see below. Before you start deleting, make sure that you are using the full version of VKontakte, since the script did not work for me on mobile. And also in this method we will use the developer tools in the browser.

If you change your mind about deleting all entries and the deletion process has not yet completed, then you can refresh the page or close it, but then you will no longer be able to restore those entries that were deleted. It is better not to stop the process and, if necessary, on the same page you can restore the necessary records.

Method 2. Delete all posts from the VK wall at once, starting from the bottom

This method also easily deletes all posts from both your page and the group. The interesting thing is that it starts deleting records from the bottom, and does not do it very quickly. As I wrote an article for you, I lost half of my VK entries because I thought that this method was no longer relevant. But it still works! The advantage of this method is that you do not need to open developer tools.

Method 3. How to clean a VK wall quickly using a Chrome browser extension

If you use the Google Chrome browser, and you don’t like copying all sorts of incomprehensible codes, but prefer something simpler with a normal interface. Then this method is just for you.

  1. Follow the link and install the extension for your browser.
  2. On the browser toolbar, click on the extension icon and click Log in via VKontakte.
  3. In a pop-up window We allow access to your page.
  4. Then by clicking on the extension button you can select functions for working with your personal page or with the VKontakte community.
  5. And we are looking for an item Wall and below if you are sure that you want to clean the wall press the button Deleting posts on the wall.
  6. But in general, using this browser extension, delete all dialogues, friends, audio recordings, video recordings at once, approve friend requests, or transfer all subscribers to friends with one click. And that's not all.


    Well, to summarize, we can say that all 3 methods are good and reliable. Which one is right for you is up to you to decide. But I want to note that using the first and third methods, the wall is cleaned much faster than the second. I also want to say that there are many more ways to clean a wall, for example, there are applications for your Android device that can also help you clean a VK wall quickly. You can also do it without any problems delete records, for example, up to a certain date, for this we do the same thing, only you need to go toAll entries => Searchby records and clicking oncalendar iconenable display of records up to a specific date.

    In this article I tried to answer the questions: how to delete all entries from a VK wall at once, how to clear a VK wall quickly, how to delete all entries in a VK group. I hope this article helped you and was interesting for you. Share it on social networks and subscribe to updates.

In case you want to protect yourself from deadlines for memes and reposts without deleting the entire page.

To bookmarks

Over the past month, it became known about several criminal cases for pictures, recordings and reposts on VKontakte. First, Barnaul resident Maria Motuznaya told in a Twitter thread how she was accused of extremism and insulting the feelings of believers because of saved memes on an old page. Then the media learned about similar stories of student Daniil Markin, 38 years old and.

Similar cases are often filed for old pictures and photographs: on August 7, Tuvan journalist Oyumaa Dongak spoke about her arrest for two archival photos with a swastika, published back in 2014.

Cases are being initiated not only because of posts on VKontakte, but the company that owns the social network, Mail.Ru Group, is seeking an amnesty for those convicted of reposting and decriminalization of posts on social networks. But amid the news, some called to delete your account on this particular social network. And those who are not ready to part with their profile began to look for a way to clean the page of potentially extremist posts and memes.

How to delete all posts from a wall

It is impossible to officially delete all posts or comments from a wall on VKontakte at once. Representatives of the social network, in a conversation with TJ, explained this decision as a fight against hackers - this way, attackers will not be able to destroy all information about the user in a few minutes. Therefore, account owners can delete posts only one at a time: to do this, you need to open the menu in the upper right corner of the post, and then click on “Delete post”.

However, there are applications and scripts that complement the functionality of VKontakte. One of them is expansion ViKey Zen for the Chrome browser, which allows you to clear the wall of all entries. After logging in to the service, you need to find the “Other” section and select “Delete posts from the wall.”

How to delete photos

In VKontakte it is possible to delete photos in albums. For this purpose in section with pictures required select an album, click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner, and then click on “Delete album”. This only works with albums created by users: the social network also has sections “Saved photos” and “Photos on my wall.”

These albums cannot be deleted, but when clicking on the pencil icon, profile owners are prompted to select several or all photos and then delete them with one click. Pictures can be pre-downloaded, but VKontakte does not allow you to select the entire album - this will need to be done using third-party services like the VKOpt or Vkpic extension.

Downloading albums using Vkpic

How to delete private messages

It is also impossible to delete all messages at once on VKontakte - only individual dialogues. Therefore, you will have to clean your DMs using extensions like ViKey Zen: in the “Messages” section you can delete all incoming and sent messages (including photos), as well as pre-download voice messages. VKOpt allows you to backup individual dialogs in html and txt formats.

How to delete video and audio recordings

As in other cases, it is impossible to delete all video or audio recordings from VKontakte at once: users are asked to do this manually. However, there are scripts that allow you to clear your profile.

  • In the video or audio section, you need to scroll to the end of the list;
  • Then you need to right-click on the page and select “View code” in the browser;
  • In the console that appears, select the “Console” section and paste the scripts there.

javascript:(function())(var a = document.getElementsByClassName("audio"); i=0;inter=setInterval(function())(Audio.deleteAudio(;if(i>a.length) clearInterval(inter)),500); ))()

Script for audio recordings

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