Dust on the iPhone camera. Where and how to remove it. How to clean camera lenses on your phone

The telephone is an integral thing, without which we now cannot imagine life, since with its help we can communicate with friends, play our favorite games, watch movies, listen to music, and also capture the wonderful moments of life on video or photos. A well-taken photo can add positive emotions while viewing it. To take a high-quality photo, you need a good built-in camera and careful care of its lens. After all, anything can end up on the lens. Let's take a closer look at lens cleaning tools.

There are a large number of camera lens cleaners available today.

Special cleaning wipes

For high-quality wiping of camera lenses on mobile phones, suede or microfiber wipes are perfect; in extreme cases, you can use ordinary damp ones. Wipes will help avoid scratching the surface during cleaning, and will also leave no lint behind. If there are fingerprints on the lens, you must use cotton swabs.


If dust accumulates on camera lens, you need to clean the lens with a brush made of natural and soft bristles, for example, squirrel bristles. Before using the brush for the first time, you need to moisten it in acetone and dry it. Cleaning should be done by lightly swiping from the center to the edges.

Special blower for blowing dust

There are special bulbs for blowing out camera lenses. They can also be used to blow out the camera lens of a mobile phone. In some cases, a brush is included with the pear. The bulb must be kept at a distance of 2 - 5 mm from the lens. Before first use, you need to completely squeeze it five times to remove the powder that is sprinkled on the pear during transportation.

Cleaning kits for camera lenses

The package includes: a pencil brush, napkins, a special container for the solution, a blowing bulb, cotton swabs or microfiber cloth. This kit is used by professionals to clean their cameras. The kit is so versatile that you can remove any dirt without scratching the surface of the lens.

Dust cleaning

I like any cleaning camera lenses on the phone you need to start by removing dust. As a rule, dust is the main factor in lens contamination. The formation of dust on the surface leads to deterioration in image quality. Dust must be removed using a jet of air, which is considered the most effective way. For this we will need a special pear. Place the phone in a position where camera lens will be slightly tilted. It is strictly forbidden to blow directly into the lens!

Very often this is where the cleaning ends. If a speck of dust manages to stick to the lens, you need to use a special brush. First, you need to shake it and hit it on your palm. When cleaning, movements should be soft and short, it is advisable to use a direction from the center to the edge, as these dust particles can scratch the lens. After brushing, blow the lens again with a blower. If no more contamination is observed, the cleaning is complete.

Cleaning stains

If drops form on the lens, you should use paper napkins or cotton swabs, which are perfect for this job. We clean from the center of the lens to its edges along a spiral path. When the drops have dried and formed stains, we will need special drops to remove them. Take two paper napkins: one dry and the other wet. Treat the contaminated area with a damp cloth, after applying 2-3 drops of a special product to it. After this event, you need to wipe the lens with a dry cloth. Wipes can be replaced with cotton swabs; as a rule, they are more convenient to use in small areas of contamination.

Clearing fingerprints

The most common stain on a mobile phone camera lens is fingerprints. This type of contamination can also include greasy stains. As a rule, with such contamination, image quality suffers greatly. To remove these contaminants, we will use the already familiar cotton swabs: wet and dry. The best cleaning liquid to use is a special lens cleaning liquid. An alternative may be rubbing alcohol. It is forbidden to use alcohol solutions, for example, such as cologne, as they may contain elements that can destroy the surface of the lens. Wipe the area where there is dirt with a damp stick, and then dry. Repeat the procedure until complete cleaning phone camera lens.

Dust removal must be done at least once every two months. In case of visible contamination from dust, it is necessary to resort to its immediate removal. For cleaning, it is better to use the materials mentioned above, since when using other materials, the quality of cleaning cannot be guaranteed, and in some cases the surface of the lens can be damaged. Do not use material that easily scratches the surface.

Happy shooting!

Cleaning your camera is a very important task. Dust, dirt and moisture can have a detrimental effect on your expensive equipment, so it pays to keep everything in good condition. Below is a 5-point camera cleaning checklist that every photographer should read...

Spending a little time cleaning your camera's sensor will save you a lot of time cloning the good parts of the photo for the dust marks. It's also worth checking your lenses and other pieces of equipment to ensure you keep everything in good working order.

It's also worth checking your camera's software. If it is up to date. Therefore, the final check item on this list would be updating the camera's firmware.

How often you'll need to check each item will depend on how often you use the camera and the conditions in which you're shooting. If you take photographs regularly, then you should go through the main points of this list about once a month.

1. Camera body


Dirt and dust on the outside of the camera may not seem like a big deal, but it can get into the camera, either the sensor (see point 3) or numerous mechanical or electrical components that can cause more serious problems.

So it's worth cleaning your camera every few months - or more often if you're shooting in really bad conditions.


Start with the lens or body cap attached to the camera to prevent dust from getting inside the camera. Go over with a brush or blow off the worst areas of dirt and dust.

Pay special attention to the most uncomfortable areas. Areas around the lens mount, viewfinder, etc.

Once the dust has been removed, you can use a soft cloth to remove stubborn stains, either on the body of the unit or on your LCD.

You can also use Q-tips to get into any hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.

If the dirt is very stubborn, lightly dampen a cloth or cotton swab in distilled water before cleaning.

Finally, you can remove the lens and protective cap and carefully clean the inside of the camera. You must be careful to do this so as not to touch any of the mechanisms inside the camera.

Also, make sure you hold the camera with the lens opening facing down. This will minimize the risk of dust entering the camera again. You can use a blower to remove dust from the mirror section.

2. Lenses and filters


Dust, dirt or water stains on the lens or filter can cause blur to your photos, so you'll need to clean them regularly, especially if you're shooting in bad weather or dirty locations.


Cleaning the lens is similar to cleaning the camera body, but in this case you must be especially careful not to scratch the front and rear optics.

Again, brush or blow away any dirt, dust or sand so that it doesn't scratch the lens when cleaning the glass itself.

Once you are satisfied that any dirt or sand has been completely removed, you can use wipes or a suitable cloth to wipe down the lens glass.

You may need to resort to more specialized lens cleaning methods to clear stubborn dirt. If so, place a few drops of detergent on a cloth (never on the lens itself!), then wipe the glass surfaces thoroughly.
Finally, use a clean cloth to wipe away any residue.

To check the surface of the lens, position the lens so that you can see the reflection of light from a window (or similar light source) on its surface.

This will help show you any residue or marks that may be causing blur. You can also clean any filters using the same methods, but you must be especially careful if you have resins on the surface of the filter, as these filters are often more prone to scratches than glass filters.

3. Matrix


Dust and dirt can easily get into the camera and cause blemishes on your images. This is especially noticeable if you shoot at small apertures and with wide-angle lenses.


Cleaning the inside of your camera must be done with great care and the right tools, otherwise you may end up doing more harm than good. The cleaning itself is quite simple.

First of all, you need to lock the mirror in your camera's cleaning mode, which is usually found in the setup menu of most cameras, and then follow the instructions for your camera to activate this feature.

Then you need to remove the lens and hold the camera so that the lens opening points slightly downward.

For basic cleaning, use the same blower to remove dust and dirt.

Don't be tempted to use an aerosol can, as they contain flammable ingredients that can get into the camera - plus they're also very strong and can damage the delicate mechanisms inside the camera.

For more stubborn dirt, you can use a brush like the Arctic Butterfly.

If there is water splashing or condensation, you need to:

  1. Use a damp swab.
  2. The tampon must be the correct size for your matrix and you must follow the instructions carefully.
  3. Pour one or two drops of a special cleaning solution onto the swab.
  4. Gently rub it over the sensor in one direction and then back in the other direction.

Resist the temptation to wipe the sensor again, as dust or dirt collected during the first pass will fall back onto the sensor.

After each cleaning, you can check whether dirt has been removed by photographing a blank sheet of white paper at a small aperture, such as f/22. Then carefully check the image on your camera's back screen for dust spots (or on your computer monitor, that would be even better).

If there are still spaces, repeat the procedure using a new tampon - do not reuse them for the reasons stated above.

You already know how to care for your camera. Now we invite you to read the article in which you will learn what mistakes advanced and novice photographers make while on vacation.

4. Accessories


Even if you keep your camera and lens clean, it's all too easy to forget about the more mundane things. Dirt and dust in your camera bag can find its way into your camera. Tripod locks and adjusters can become locked if they are always left wet or dirty.


Although accessories aren't as thin or fragile as a camera or lenses, almost every piece of photography kit can benefit you if you keep it clean.

For most items, an occasional brushing or just making sure they are clean will be enough. But there are a few accessories that often go unnoticed.

The first is your tripod. This is a piece of kit that very often spends its time in mud, water or sand, especially if you're shooting on the coast or other harsh conditions.

If this is the case for you, then you may:

  1. you will need to wash the entire tripod in clean water;
  2. then, to reduce the risk of corrosion, use a small amount of water-repellent lubricant;
  3. do not overdo it with lubrication, as this may cause more problems than it solves;

Finally, it's worth taking a look at your bag, as even though a dirty or dusty bag may not have a direct impact on the quality of your photos, dust can get onto (or even into) the camera.

5. Software


Like many other computer programs, the camera's operating system (known as "firmware") can be updated to install new features and even solutions to operational problems, so it's worth making sure your camera's OS is up to date.


First of all, you need to check the firmware version that is installed in the camera. This can usually be found by going to settings and scrolling to the firmware menu.

It could be one number, such as 1.00 or 1.02, or there could be two or three number/letter combinations.

Next, go to the camera manufacturer's website and try to find the latest firmware available for your camera.

If a later version is available than the one installed on your camera, you need to:

  1. download this firmware to your Mac or PC;
  2. copy it to a formatted memory card that will match your camera;
  3. insert the card into the camera;
  4. go to the firmware menu and follow the instructions to update it.

Once you're done, you need:

  • turn off the camera;
  • remove the card;
  • then turn on the camera again and make sure that the installed firmware version matches the version downloaded from the website;

We hope now your equipment will always be clean!

In this mobile age, every person has several touch screen devices, be it a mobile phone or a tablet. But after a while, small and sometimes large scratches appear on any touch device. If the cracks are large enough and you notice that this has led to the loss of some functions or malfunctions, be sure to replace the glass or display. But if there are only small scuffs on the screen, you can deal with it yourself. How to remove scratches from a phone camera - this is what we will discuss in this article.

Preparation for polishing

Before you start polishing, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

  1. Turn off the device completely.
  2. Cover the external connectors with masking tape or electrical tape. This will prevent water and other foreign substances from getting inside the gadget.

Important! Be patient, you may have to spend a lot of time getting your gadget in order.

Paste GOI

It is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of scratches, but they can be disguised. This can be done by polishing. How to remove scratches on a phone camera and polish the display?

You can use a product called GOI paste. It comes in several types, depending on the grain size.

Important! The finest paste is suitable for polishing the display. Machine oil won't hurt either. You only need a few drops to dilute the GOI paste.

Operating procedure:

  1. First, clean the screen of dirt, otherwise you will not be happy with the result.
  2. Take a woolen cloth, rub it with paste and add a drop of machine oil.
  3. Rub the resulting mass into the display using the same woolen rag.
  4. You need to polish until the scratches become barely noticeable, if you're lucky, they won't be visible at all.

Polishing with toothpaste

How to polish your phone camera using toothpaste? For these purposes, you will need regular white toothpaste, without any additives in the form of crystals or granules:

  1. Apply some toothpaste to the scratched surface. You can polish using a piece of soft cloth, a cotton swab or a special microfiber cloth.
  2. Rub the product in circular motions for several minutes.
  3. Remains of toothpaste can be removed after polishing with a slightly damp soft cloth.
  4. If the result does not impress you, you can repeat the procedure.

Polishing with baking soda

In the same way, you can polish the surface using baking soda, which is available in the kitchen of any home:

  1. Dilute the baking soda with a small amount of water until you get a paste.
  2. Apply this mixture to a soft cloth or napkin and buff the surface with gentle movements.

Important! Try not to press too hard on the surface so as not to aggravate the defect.

How to remove scratches with polish?

First you need to purchase a special polish. The product must contain cerium oxide. You can buy polish either ready-made or in the form of a substance that must be dissolved before use. The first option is much more convenient to use, however, soluble powder will ensure high quality polish.

Operating procedure:

  • Prepare polish. If you bought it in powder form, then it must be dissolved. Follow the instructions. Pour the specified amount of polish into a bowl, gradually adding water and stirring the resulting mixture.

Important! Under no circumstances should this product come into contact with places such as the phone speaker, charger hole, or headphone jack. In addition, it is quite dangerous for a smartphone camera. Therefore, if you want to remove scratches on your camera, you need to use it very carefully or choose a different polishing method.

  • Now you need to rub in the polish using a cotton rag or cotton swab. The surface should be treated until the damage disappears or becomes significantly smaller.
  • After finishing polishing, be sure to remove the excess with a dry cloth or napkin.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil can provide timely help for your device. True, it is used rather to give the surface a beautiful shine, and small scratches will become less noticeable. Just drop a drop of oil onto the screen and rub it with a dry soft cloth.

Professional products

There are also professional products for polishing gadget screens on sale. The most popular product is DISPLEX DISPLAY paste, a completely new type of polishing paste that does not contain abrasive elements. The procedure for removing scratches and abrasions is done quickly.

Important! When used correctly, the contents are enough for 8-10 polishings - it all depends on the area of ​​the surface being treated.

DISPLEX paste does not contain abrasive elements; after using this product, the display does not become cloudy. There is only one significant drawback - the rather high price.

Important! If you were unable to restore your camera, but you use it constantly, it makes sense to think about buying a more advanced device. Check out our rating.

Preventing scratches

How can you protect your phone camera and display in general from scratches?

Many of us are the proud owners of cutting-edge smartphones with touch screens. However, not all owners of these gadgets know how to handle their property with care. Therefore, over time, small scratches begin to appear on the screen. In this article you will learn how to polish the glass on your phone.

What will be required to perform the manipulations?

You can try removing scratches from your smartphone display using regular toothpaste. It is prohibited to use abrasive powder for these purposes, since the microparticles it contains can damage the screen.

Before polishing the glass on your phone, you need to stock up on soft wipes and a special liquid designed to clean touch screens from microdust and plaque. It is sold in many stores. If this liquid is not available, you can do without it.


Before polishing the glass on your phone from scratches, you need to carefully wipe the display. This can be done in a circular motion using a soft rag or a special napkin.

After this, you need to take a clean cloth and, after applying a little toothpaste to it, put it on. After a couple of minutes, you should wipe the entire surface of the screen and polish it with a clean cloth. After completing the procedure, you can wipe the display with cleaning liquid. As a rule, after this all microscopic scratches disappear, and deeper ones become less noticeable.

Professional products

Those who want to figure out how to polish the glass on their phone will be interested in another method. It allows you to remove scratches without leaving a trace without visiting a specialized workshop. To do this you will need GOI or Displex paste. These professional formulations are sold in many communication stores.

Apply a small amount of one of the above products to the display and rub gently in a circular motion using a soft cloth. After the defects have been completely eliminated, the remaining composition must be removed.

Car polishes

There is another, no less effective way to polish scratches on your phone glass. To do this, you will need a special composition designed for car care. Such products can effectively remove defects without damaging the surface itself.

For processing you will need a soft rag and the polish itself. First, you need to apply a small amount of product to the screen. After this, the display is wiped with careful circular movements.

Removing shallow scratches with baby powder

This technique allows you to effectively eliminate small abrasions and minor defects. How to polish phone glass at home? First you need to prepare a polishing paste based on a product that is intended for caring for children's skin. The talc present in the powder will act as a gentle abrasive.

A small amount of dry powder must be diluted with a few drops of water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This composition is applied to the screen and rubbed with a soft cloth. At the end of the procedure, remove excess product with a damp cloth.

Baking soda

Almost every housewife has this multifunctional product in stock. It can not only be added to baked goods, but also used for other purposes. The abrasive particles contained in soda perfectly smooth out unevenness on the surfaces being treated.

How to polish the glass on your phone using this ingredient? You need to prepare a special composition. To do this, mix one part baking soda with two parts water. As a result, you should get a homogeneous paste. Apply this mixture to a piece of soft cloth and wipe the touch screen with it. You can use a damp cloth to remove any remaining product.

During the process, it is important to ensure that the rag used to remove excess soda is only slightly moistened with water. Excess fluid can cause other, more serious problems.

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