The White Brotherhood is back

The World White Brotherhood was founded by Peter Dynov in Bulgaria in 1900. It preaches a religious-occult syncretic teaching, in the basics of which various aspects of esoteric Christianity, yoga and Hinduism are placed.


The main authoritative leader and popularizer of the current is Michael Aivanhov (by birth Ivanov Mikhail). In 1937, the founder of the esoteric school Dynov Peter sent his follower Michael to France: he had to spread the teachings of the White Brotherhood.

And here they begin to activate universal principles, the “secret” behind religion. What did Jesus mean when he said that if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, we could move to the mountains? Was it just a character? Or does it contain the ancient truth? Faith, in fact, is not a blind or irrational act. The cause of faith can be found in the knowledge that supports it, which explains why and how it works. Does this mean that we can physically move mountains as Jesus indicated?

But to achieve these "incredible" things, we must generate important energy. At least the volume of mustard grain. This principle teaches that faith does not move mountains only with human feelings or aspirations, no matter how powerful they are. It speaks of strong spiritual laws that could explain how what we call faith works. If we add this knowledge to our powerful ability to create what we believe in, we will cross the line that separates discipleship from mastery. There is a secret and wisdom of this law.

Mikael Aivanhov formed the French branch of the organization in Paris in 1947, which received the name Izgrev. In the south of France, on the Riviera, in 1953 a special Bonfan school was established.

In the early 1960s, Aivankhov visited India, where he received a dedication from a Himalayan woman. Babaji allegedly called him “Omraam,” a name denoting “the detailing of an elusive, invisible idea that must be realized on Earth.”

So far we have analyzed the message of the first seven principles Decadron. According to the Masters, the seven initial statements focus on the walker. In a person or in one who feels to live and be aware of the light. In the following three principles, from which we begin to practice from now on, we will find knowledge focused mainly on group mysticism. In other words, an apprenticeship to become a conscious part of the White Brotherhood requires seven steps, which, as we have seen, consist of.

Know yourself to know the universe. Understand the nature of true light and knowledge. Know how to deal with adversity through love and non-resistance. Control our emotions to make our own protection effective. Be an example of what we have learned. Understand that the message is more important than the messenger. Strengthen our faith in knowledge.

Based on the lectures of Mikael Aivanhov, many books were published on which the present teaching of the White Brotherhood is based. These are forty volumes of the Izvor series, 32 volumes of his Complete Collection of Works, video and audio recordings of conversations and lectures, and brochures. Many of them have been translated into Esperanto and Russian.

As soon as we cross these seven “gates,” we are before the eighth law. A statement that vibrates more in a group or fraternity job. Eighth Law: "Sacred doctrine becomes even more sacred if it agrees with it." What does this new principle mean? But not in the sense that is often associated with organized religions, but as a set of doctrine or principles. Reconciling with spiritual teachings means not betraying our commitment to us and the Light. Serve with love the principles that inspired and illuminated us.

In short, to the highest goal of our mission. Thus, in every action and effort, higher projects will be sanctified, enveloped in the energy of will and service. They will become strong and gain their own life. They will become the collective soul of a group that works in the light. And this energy will protect and help the walker and help you achieve work.

During the period of socialism, the activities of the White Brotherhood were suspended in Bulgaria. Today, this organization operates in Bulgaria and in other countries of the world. She maintains a sister relationship with Bahai and Oomoto-kyo.

Extremist literature

So, we continue to further explore the Aryan teachings of the White Brotherhood. It is known that the community “Usmalos” was founded in Kiev in 1990-1991 by experts in the field of mental influence on an individual Maria Tsvigun and Yury Krivonogov. In general, this organization is called a totalitarian destructive sect.

That is why El Decadron argues that the doctrine "becomes even more sacred," because it feeds on the energy of those who vibrate in it and are aware of it. There is a powerful flow of power. This is a secret that has been practiced since ancient times: when a group of people unite under the protection of the principle in which they vibrate and create, they form an element called “Kernel Law” by the masters. Every human, spiritual, or warlike group, religious or political, works with the Law Core, whether they know it or not.

The energy generated by meeting with certain ideals and goals, and decisive work for them, forms this element, which becomes the “soul” or “mystical body” of this group. The fact that the “Core” or “Theological Temple”, if it is built on the basis of lofty and loving ideals, is projected onto the ministry and helps others, can become the center of a positive glow at the time of its maturation. This truth leads directly to the Ninth Law.

In 2013, on July 19, the Egorievsk court of Moscow decided to recognize the literature of the White Brotherhood as extremist and obliged it to be included in the “Federal catalog of extremist sources”.

It is known that the Russian Institute for Cultural Research conducted an examination on the basis of which the court determined that the White Brotherhood’s literature contains sayings calling for the popularization of the uniqueness, inferiority, or superiority of a person on the grounds of spiritual affiliation.

The ninth law: "A true temple is one that is built on the basis of feelings, thoughts, and attitudes." We usually call the temple a place of prayer. In ancient times, it was associated with the cosmos - as if the sky was reflected on Earth - and many cultures brought up wonderful buildings to communicate with these secrets of the celestial crypt. Before Christianity, Schumer, Egypt, Greece or American cultures, including Mayas and Incas, had important temples, where they not only consecrated themselves with the sun or stars, but also nature itself.

However, the temple does not only denote the human structure for mystical practices and prayers. As we saw in the eighth law of El Decadron, a set of ideas or principles can be sanctified, if we believe in them, and we begin to work decisively in this direction. The ninth law now tells us that after this process we are creating a “spiritual” temple. In other words, Egregor would be the mystical body that we were able to create thanks to the Law of the Core, which groups the psychic contribution. This principle tells us that everything that we feel, we think and feed, feed and build our True Temple, which is spiritual.


In 1990, Krivonogov Yuri (leader of the Atma Soul Center) and the Donechka Marina Mamonova (Tsvigun), on their own initiative, proclaimed Marina a deity ("living god", "Messiah of the Age of Aquarius", "Mother of the World", "new personification of Christ" and so Further). Mamonova also claimed that she had seen God, who had assigned her a special mission.

The tenth law: "A true mystic is one who realizes the principles of Heaven and constantly dies for the sake of love of neighbor." It is difficult to describe the beauty and truth contained in this principle. He synthesizes the spirit of every true walker of light. This is just the slogan and mission of the White Brotherhood: to realize the principles that govern the universe and apply them in the service of others. There is no greater mystery, since the "principles of heaven" are nothing but universal laws. The real mystic lives and acts in full knowledge of these laws.

But what does it mean to constantly die for love of neighbor? This is an allegory that marks the sacrifice for the sake of others. "Sacred craft" or our holy cause for the next, to which we are approaching. This means that our life should be official work, not expecting anything in return. A task that may require in certain circumstances great trials and efforts to purify our intentions and scope of work. “To die permanently” expresses constancy in this mission.

By the way, the name of the organization is derived from the instructions of E. P. Blavatsky: it is very popular in fresh religious movements, is an abbreviation (JUS - Juoani Swami, MA - Mary Devi Christ, LOS - logos). In general, this abbreviation has a lot of transcripts.

The ancient teachings of the White Brotherhood begin to preach to the Yusmalians: they tell people about the arrival of the Mother of the World Tzvigun on Earth and the approaching Last Judgment, the date of which was fixed by Yury Krivonogov - November 24, 1993. Further, in the Zaliznychny district of the city of Kiev in 1991, on March 7, the White Great Brotherhood of Yusmalos was formed.

Service is the message of the Tenth Law Decadron. This group of creatures, intertwined with old Buddhist legends talking about Shambhala and the Himalayas, will secretly work in different parts of the world, hidden in their Inner Retreats, waiting for the moment when the man of the surface takes on the role and mission in order of the Cosmic Plan.

All this may seem like a fantasy. But for us, who had the experience of physically observing these creatures, it was real. And this continues, because we maintain contact on every trip or expedition that implements the most important centers of power in the world. The fruit of this contact, these "mystical laws" that can be applied by each walker of light, have come off.

The structure expands the range of its action. Branches are formed in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia and other countries of the past USSR. At the end of 1991, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine of the Kiev Patriarchate spoke out with sharp criticism of the organization. Maria Devi is declared an impostor, she is anathematized.

The decadron synthesizes part of the spiritual wisdom that they protect, and which resembles the essence of the most important philosophies of the entire ancient world. The first law ?: "The real disciple of life begins with the study of himself." It speaks of light as knowledge. Therefore, the "light" lights or blind in accordance with our attitude. The third law ?: "The real soldier of the easy battle loves his enemy."

This principle states that every action has energy. From the act of war to the most sublime manifestations of love. For example, in scientific experiments it was shown that positive thinking has more energy than a lot of negative thoughts. That is, the fight against fire is not the best formula, and even more so when universal principles, such as cause and effect, constantly work. Decadron claims that the true "soldier of light" looks at things with love. And this concerns the disciple as a “soldier”, because the human walk is at the center of an intense struggle of forces and influences.

In 1992, on April 1, criminal proceedings were instituted against the leaders of the structure under the Criminal Code of Ukraine - 143 (fraud) and 199 (Unauthorized seizure of land and construction). It is known that soon the case under these articles was discontinued and re-initiated on new ones.

The community declared in 1993, November 10, the last day of the decade of repentance. It was on this day that M. Tsvigun and about twenty of her followers ventured to seize the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev in order to serve there their prayer. As a result, Krivonogov and Tsvigun were detained, police officers stopped the attempt to capture them.

The Chinese sage Lao Tzu provided a suitable way to deal with this conflict: silence. The meek and felled tree was more resistant to the blows of the wind, in front of a hard and tough tree that risked breaking. And, erroneously, it was believed that a calm and peaceful attitude is synonymous with weakness. On the contrary, it is an example of internal power and control. In a world where the struggle of forces is manifested, the inner world is the sword that protects the warrior from light. A warrior who understands the nature of his opponent.

And there is the secret of the third statement Decadron. A true soldier of an easy battle to love the enemy, because his struggle is not an act of resistance, but a non-resistance, attitude full of peace, tranquility, understanding, forgiveness and, therefore, control of the situation.

The teachings of the White Brotherhood were defeated: in 1996, the formal leader of the sect, Peter-John II, was sentenced to 5 years in a general regime colony, Tsvigun - to 4 years, Krivonogov (“Yuoann Swami”) - to 6 years.


When the investigation was being carried out, on May 15, 1994, Tsvigun confiscated Yury Krivonogov with the priesthood, recognizing him as a traitor who played his dark role around her. She called him Judas, who betrayed Jesus Christ.

The fourth law ?: "The real defense is to control your inner fear." In other words, fear can often be derived from "ignorance." And this should inspire you first and foremost with your own life. Their mission is not to form followers, but to a free conscience. Gives without judgment knowledge and let the ears are ready to listen, listen. The sixth law ?: "This messenger is the one who sends the message."

In other words, the messenger must avoid any type of infection of the message, which should be general. The seventh law ?: "True faith is based on knowledge." And here they begin to activate the universal principles, the “secret” behind faith. What did Jesus mean when he said that if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, could we move to the mountains? Here is the mystery and wisdom of this law. In the following three principles, from which we started to relate from this point on, we will find knowledge focused mainly on group mysticism.

Yuri himself, having been released in 2000, publicly acknowledged the falsity of his own "prophecies." He stated that he no longer honors Tsvigun as "Maria Devi" and "Mother of the World."


Of course, after the above events, the teaching of the White Brotherhood did not disappear. Tsvigun was released in 1997 on August 13. She restored the community! From 1998 to 2001, Marina tried to officially register the religious society “The White Great Brotherhood of Yusmalos” in Ukraine, but the petitioner refused the petitioner.

The eighth law ?: "The sacred doctrine becomes even more sacred if it agrees with it." This is a secret that has been practiced since ancient times: when a group of people unite under the protection of the principle in which they vibrate and create, they form an element called the Law of the Core masters. The ninth law ?: "A true temple is one built on the basis of feelings, thoughts, and attitudes."

The tenth law ?: "A true mystic is one who realizes the principles of Heaven and constantly dies for the sake of love of neighbor." The institution of the Brotherhood is needed to create a conscious community between the spheres of the Ascended Masters and the external consciousness of humanity. Order was established by striving to reach the minds of those who still had a slight memory of their true consciousness in order to fulfill the Divine plan and live in close relationships: Teachers, Angels and Elementals.

Since 2006, community leaders have moved the center of their movement to Moscow. Tsvigun changed her name and surname to "Victoria Preobrazhenskaya". Under this name, she created a multi-stage “Third-century Ecumenical Poly Art,” which combined graphics, music, dance, and spiritual painting. The newly founded Victoria also founded the Mystery Theater and the Creative Workshop, organized many exhibitions of her paintings, began writing music and poems, published literary and poetic collections, and recorded several music albums.

As a result, in May 2013, information appeared that Zvigun reconstructed the White Brotherhood and began to attract new members.


What do we learn by learning the White Brotherhood? The Indian teaching is at the core of the principles. So, Tzvigun states that "God is Mother." In contrast to the patriarchal supporters of Zvigun believe that the universe was created by the Great Mother Mother - Sophia the Wisdom of God, Ain-Soph. Zvigun is a mixture of a variety of spiritual views of Buddhism, Hinduism (Krishnaism), Judaism, the New Age theory, Christianity, the teachings of E. I. and N. K. Roerichs (Living Ethics).

The ancient Indian teachings (the teachings of the White Brotherhood) prepares the mind of the human race for the approaching transformation of the planet Earth. In any case, the followers of Tsvigun say so. They say that a person receives torture for the actions he performs, which bring ruin, harm, enmity, trample "the covenants of the Mother of the World."

In fact, opinions about the essence of the "science" Zvigun differ. Critics of the organization say that the main essence of the theory is the worship of the "true goddess" - Tsvigun Marina (Maria Devi Krist), now (according to her passport) - Victoria Transfiguration. After all, its admirers are confident that those who do not accept this cult will go to hell.


Let's take a closer look at the teachings of the White Brotherhood. India at all times was considered a fabulous country, full of surprises and magic. Thus, members of the community claim that the anti-God worldly domination in the Final Days will be strengthened and Satan will come to Earth. The apostles of the community call him the Antichrist and say that he will announce his coming to the Second Coming of Christ, and perhaps he will be called Emmanuel.

By the way, in accordance with the Zvigun doctrine, in the Closing Days, there should be a division of the population into those who worship the Antichrist-Beast (they recognize the “logo of the beast” - chipping) and those who reject the 666 mark.

Those who accept the logo will be attached to the worldwide Beast device. Further, satellites will control their thinking (Revelation 13: 16-18). Those who refuse chips will receive the intercession of the Mother of the World Maria Devi Christ and at the time of the Transformation of our planet they will set foot on New Earth, where there will be no illnesses, suffering, violence and evil. The ascetics are sure that those who worship the Antichrist will be thrown into the depths of Hell along with their master.

The meaning and prototype of this label are insurance certificates, passports, TIN, credit cards, medical cards, which sooner or later are transformed into a single identification code stored on an electronic tiny chip embedded under the skin. No one can neither sell nor buy anything without it. Then the Earth will change, undergoing environmental disasters and natural disasters.

And the community members say that only those who worshiped Tsvigun as the “Great Mother of the World” will enter the “new changed Earth”. And they will see a changed planet, called God, and will be called its sixth race. Little by little, the souls of those who have cleansed themselves in the hellish worlds will materialize on the new Earth.

And then comes (the Golden Age), which Tsvigun calls the Kingdom of God on Earth.


The circle of sect supporters mainly includes 20-year-old girls and boys with a humanitarian mentality.

In fact, the White Brotherhood is considered a very dangerous organization for the psyche of people. It is known that those who leave are forced to spend several years in order to free themselves from psychological influence.


In the twentieth century in Bulgaria lived the prophetess Vanga. She foretold that the teaching of the White Brotherhood would spread throughout the world. The Fiery Bible will tell about it, it will be read everywhere on Earth. This book will be printed in every country. She said that the day is coming when all religions will be gone! Only this old Indian teaching survives.

Wanga said that it would cover the planet in white, and only with the help of it would people survive. The thing prophesied that the teaching of the White Brotherhood in Russia would put down its roots and come to all people from there, that Russia would be the first to be cleansed.

Wanga was sure that this would happen only after twenty years, not earlier. She said that in twenty years it will be possible to harvest the first big harvest. But before that Syria will crumble.

Today it is already possible to check whether this prophecy was fulfilled. For this you need to remember that this unusual happened in our planet in 1998. It is known that in 1998, thanks to Valery Nikitich Dyomin, information about the Russian Hyperborea became available to all segments of society.

On the streets of Siberian cities, more and more young people began to appear, dressed in long white robes. They silently stretch bright leaflets and brochures to passersby, on the covers of which a woman in the vestments of an ancient Egyptian priestess and a lot of mysteriously beautiful symbols of some Eastern cult are depicted. Apparently, the “white brothers” have returned to our life.

Today, their memory has faded, but two decades ago, their vigorous activity threatened the lives and property of many families in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. In the early 90s, thousands of people left their families and, giving apartments, money and other property at the disposal of the White Brotherhood, as if insane sang praises on “Mother Mary Devi Christ,” as they called Marina Tsvigun, and were ready to perform any order.

On November 10, 1993, members of the “White Brotherhood” staged a wild slaughter in the center of Kiev, tried to capture and were going to burn themselves in the name of the triumph of the new faith. There are persistent rumors that the “white brothers” want to take revenge and arrange a “real Armageddon” on the Sofia square in Kiev, where they failed 20 years ago, and at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow - to make a public self-immolation.

Marina Tsvigun has more than enough like-minded people. Unite in a single organization they interfere only their own greed. None of the leaders of sectarians are interested in a single center, since they have no desire to share their income with anyone. Although there are cases of mutually beneficial cooperation. For example, the public organization "Sirius", headed by Tatiana Mikushina, who, unlike Tsvigun, who called herself "the living incarnation of Christ", considers herself "just" his "confidant", earns good money by selling books and audio lessons that come from "Mother Mary". Those who wish are invited to purchase 20 books and 50 disks with meditations. As practice shows, spiritual entrepreneurship is a very profitable occupation. Mrs. Mikushina, for example, is going to build her own spiritual center not far from Omsk. Then she will remain a "confidant" or give herself a higher title, one can only guess ...

But the fact that such public organizations carry a very real social threat can be absolutely certain.

Under the banner of satan

Faith is a great blessing. But the blind faith of a fanatic is a deadly affliction. The current self-styled spiritual teachers from totalitarian sects consciously infect them with youth. Gullible boys and girls who seek spiritual support in modern life, full of contradictions, very often fall into sticky nets, with insidious zeal set up by the newly-minted false prophets. They feed on the spiritual poison of ancient heresies, devilish teachings, from time immemorial leading a relentless struggle against the evangelical covenants of our Lord Jesus Christ, warning His disciples: "... take care that no one deceives you, for many will come under My name and will speak “I am the Christ,” and they will deceive many ”(Matt: 24.4-5).

By tradition, the first heretic is considered to be Simon Magus, who lived in times and who comprehended all the wisdom of Asian magic and sorcery. Having learned that Simon, calling himself Christ, creates false miracles before the eyes of the people, and many worship him as a god, Saint Peter rebelled in spirit and denounced the sorcerer.

Then Simon, devoured with malice and envy, told his admirers that he left them and ascended to heaven, because they did not want to listen to him, but followed Peter.

Then he rose into the air and began to fly. But, according to the word of the apostle, the demons who carried Simon through the air left him, and he fell and crashed on the pavement.

After the funeral, Simon’s tomb became a place where every year crowds of frenzied devotees of an insane magician, who imagines himself a god, organized wild orgies, often ending in mass suicides, which eventually became ritual.

This went on for many years, until the Roman authorities finally resorted to repression. , declared servants of hell and enemies of the state, were executed. The Simonians were finished, but soon they appeared again under other names, seeking to replace the biblical truths with their malicious fabrications. Thus began a spiritual war, which even today has led apostates, as well as many centuries ago, attacking the Church under the flags of Satan.

In the family of my good friends there was trouble. Their only son, a sophomore of one of the Barnaul universities, left home and all attempts to get him back were unsuccessful.

The boy does not even want to hear about his father and mother, considering them to be "devil's henchmen."

True, if the parents, having sold everything they have, will give the proceeds to the community of the “White Brotherhood”, a fanatical member of which he has become, the young man agrees to occasionally meet with them. But on one condition. During the meetings, they should be silent and listen to his sermon on the great mission of the mother of the gods Maria Devi Christ, who gives inexhaustible spiritual power to everyone who will accept her as their teacher.

When a person is firmly convinced that he is right, it is useless to appeal to common sense. Medieval heretics were not afraid of the terrible torture and fire flames.

The documents of the tribunals of the Inquisition that have survived to our day testify that there were only a few who renounced heresy.

But let's not equate delusions, often full of high tragedy, with manic verbiage and mercenary attempts to extract a completely tangible profit from a person’s natural desire to acquire true faith, thereby giving the spiritual meaning to his life.

So who are they, “white brothers”, malicious wizards who turn the search for truth into golden rain, and the young guys into insensible and stupid executors of their criminal will?

"Divine couple" from the banks of the Dnieper

The “White Brotherhood” arose in Kiev in 1989-1990 and quickly spread throughout Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Its branches then existed in all major cities of each of these countries. The founding father of this religious community was at first Yury Krivonogov, a specialist in electronic control systems, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

He, who was interested in all sorts of psychotechniques during his free time, mastered various hypnotic techniques in a professional manner, and in 1991, shortly before the collapse of the USSR, he organized the Atma Soul Institute in Kiev. The Kiev fund of mercy and health helped him in this. The staff of the Institute consisted of only two people, but this did not prevent declaring it first all-Union, and then international. So, Krivonogov, who by this time had experience of communicating with various foreign religious organizations engaged in “modern communications”, decided to create a new creed in which he would take the place of a “living god.”

Soon the goddess was found. Once, giving a lecture on extrasensory perception, he received a note from a woman who informed him that she had already had experience with higher beings of the intangible world.

Her name was Marina Tsvigun. This married lady graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Library College and worked for some time as a secretary of the Komsomol city committee. In the 80s, Tsvigun was the editor of radio broadcasting at the Donetsk worsted cloth factory, she studied in absentia at the journalism department of Kiev State University, was a member of the Communist Party and had the status of a deputy of the Dnipropetrovsk city council.

After a personal meeting, an ardent passion flared up in the hearts of both candidates for celestial habits, as a result of which a 30-year-old Komsomol member left her family and became "the female self of the living incarnation of Jesus Christ." To her husband Nicholas, the driver of a motor transportation company, she enthusiastically announced that she was leaving him, a mere mortal, forever, since she clearly hears the “voice of heaven” and clearly feels signs of unearthly origin in herself. She also added that he and their son Vitaly distract her from the spiritual enlightenment of earthly humanity, which she intends to actively do with the “chosen one of the highest forces” Yury Krivonogov found by her.

The Divine Couple made a multi-month overseas tour, visiting Jerusalem, Egypt, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria. Its result was the birth of the sect "White Brotherhood Usmalos".

Yusmalos is an abbreviation composed of the initial letters of the names of their parental leaders. YUS - “Yuoann Svami” - this is Yury Krivonogov as the new “John the Baptist”, MA - “Maria Devi Christ” (Maria Tsvigun as “mother of gods and nations”), LOS is the abbreviated Greek word “logos”. Mary Devi, in her opinion, opened the world "the last (third) covenant - the covenant of the" holy spirit "." The goal of her mission is defined as “affirming the universal harmony between the masculine and feminine principle”.

And so it came out a very peculiar "Yusmalian trinity." In its original form, it did not exist for long, as the “mother goddess” Marina Tsvigun, being at the same time the wife of Yuoann Swami Krivonogov, divorced him, replacing him with John Peter II (in the world of Vitaly Kovalchuk) who received the daddy status from her.

Brainwashing System

The meaning of the doctrine, invented by the Kiev electronic engineer and hypnotist Krivonogov and adopted by the former Komsomol member of the deputies, is distinguished by a rare hatred of people. Of all the inhabitants of the Earth, only 144 thousand of the “elect” have the right to life. The rest are declared demonic personalities and must be destroyed. They will die a painful death from the terrible diseases that arise from the deadly rays of the Fohat, emanating from the “great goddess”, who are subject to life and death, time and space. For those who believe in it, they are healing, as they return their youth, beauty, and grant immortality. The sad fate is prepared for 12 thousand "Yusmalians" who are obliged to sacrifice themselves in the name of the greatness of Maria Devi.

“Prepare for death, my dear children,” the mother of the world, who loves her children, appeals to the disciples, “your duty is to wash the sins of unholy humanity with your blood!”

The remaining 132 thousand surviving "white brothers" will make up a new race, the whole planet of which is home to the entire planet Earth, and not just a single country.

The doctrine of Fohat is an important part of the “White Brotherhood” doctrine. A special place in it is taken by the terrifying picture of the end of the world - the Apocalypse. However, the main thing, after all, is not a theory, but a cult practice developed in the smallest detail that incorporates elements of Chinese “Sinao” (brainwashing), African “Voodoo” with its rich experience of zombies and spells that suppress the human will of the most modern methods of prohibited neuro-linguistic programming of the psyche, as well as narcotic and psychotropic drugs.

The greatest danger to the mental and physical health of people in the doctrine of the “White Brotherhood” is the theme of sacrifice, which is exaggerated in every way in their newspapers, leaflets and brochures. In those days when Yuri Krivonogov was in close unity with his god-like spouse Maria Devi, he so appealed to his flock: “The earth needs human sins! On this sacrifice only true Christ-Theotokos brothers and sisters agree! My children! You will snatch and cut your heads! But the earth needs this blood! Maria and I will be the last to leave. Our corpses lie on the street for three days. Then we will be resurrected and ascended. The transformation of the Earth will begin! ”

The average age of the “white brothers” is 20 years, but among them there are quite a few adolescents of 15-16 years old.

Initially, they appeared in schools of martial arts, but not finding a warm welcome there, they rushed to regular schools. There they found him. School principals provided school audiences for them, right up to the primary classes, where children were told about the upcoming “doomsday” and other horrors. Those who wanted children were immediately “baptized”, taking one to the corridor. The “white brother” applied his hand to the forehead of the baptized, spoke something, staring intently at the child directly in the eyes, then made passes with his hands along the spine and sprinkled water with a flask. Such a "baptism" has spread widely in the Volga region and in the Urals. Sobriety from complacency began when children began to disappear. After a one-time treatment in Nizhny Tagil, the baptists, who were well versed in the techniques of hypnosis, nearly took a whole class with them.

Ideas promoted by the White Brotherhood are extremely dangerous. For example, one of the “brothers”, a young man from Kamenetz-Podolsk, after his comrades told him that his faith was “not hot enough, and their dedication to joint struggle was not impressive,” rushed under the train. Another 27-year-old member of the Brotherhood, having decided that he was constantly haunted by the devil, who assumed the face of his 82-year-old neighbor, brutally killed her.

During the investigation, he admitted that on this basis he was preparing to kill 2 more people.

According to psychiatrists, it is very difficult to part with the way of thinking imposed by the “white brothers”. To restore mental balance you need at least 2 years. But, according to some experts, it is quite possible that healing may never occur.

Secret army of "Sephiroth"

The organizational structure of the “White Brotherhood” is strictly classified and built on the model of secret criminal communities. At the head are the founders of the organization. From among the closest to them especially trusted representatives are selected "sephiroth" - the next link of the leaders of the "white brothers".

Behind them come the "apostles", and then the ordinary yusmalians - the "warriors". There is a very numerous category of so-called "rats". Such a name is given to people who provide the "white brotherhood" with material and other assistance, but for some reason do not join it. It is known that among the "sefirot" and "rats" a lot of citizens of the United States, Canada, Israel and Slovakia.

The lower members do not know the higher ones, but only those with whom they communicate. Brothers of a higher degree of dedication know the lower and plus one brother of a higher level, from which they receive commands. All have nicknames-names that they get when they join the White Brotherhood. Such a professional level of conspiracy allowed Krivonogov and Tsvigun to hide from Interpol and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus for a long time. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that a number of foreign special services are involved in the White Brotherhood project.

In the summer of 1993, a wave of fights and scuffles provoked by the “white brothers” on the orders of their leadership swept across Orthodox churches. They broke into churches, organized fights right at the altar, rampant and disrupted divine services. For example, in Moscow, in the Church of All Sorrows of Joy, during the evening divine service a group of “white brothers” attacked the priest Daniil Kalashnikov and severely beat him. In the Moscow Epiphany Cathedral, “the warriors of Elijah and Enoch” tried to disrupt the Divine Liturgy, shouted loudly, trying to climb the pulpit, and insulted the priests. The same thing happened in Petersburg, Ufa, Yoshkar-Ola and a number of other cities.

On November 10, 1993, in Kiev, the mass suicide of the “white brothers” barely failed. They were riots, which resulted in the St. Sophia Cathedral suffered damage to several tens of millions of Carbovanians. The bloody show with the ascension of Maria Devi, which marks the beginning of the “doomsday”, was avoided with the help of the police and the Berkut rapid reaction forces, which withstood the frantic pressure of the distraught crowd. More than 600 raging swellies were detained.

The investigation began, which ended in court, sentenced Yuri Krivonogov to 7, Vitaly Kovalchuk to 5, and Marina Tsvigun to 4 years in prison.

Behind bars

During the investigation, Marina Tsvigun, declaring Yuri Krivonogov "Judas and a traitor to the holy cause," deprived the apostle husband of his spiritual office. Nevertheless, he did not leave his beloved business even in a colony with a reinforced regime. There he wrote an extensive work - "Methods of psychophysical diagnosis and regulation of the states of living bioenergetic systems." After his release, he began successfully introducing them into life, but suddenly he publicly rejected the religion he advertised, called it “obsession” and, declaring that he did not believe in the “sacred mission” of his former wife, disappeared from law enforcement agencies, which he again had many questions.

Even before he went to prison, Krivonogov traveled on expensive foreign cars and had 3 luxurious mansions in the outskirts of Kiev, and in the capital for him and his divine spouse ordinary "yusmalians" for free, "with a feeling of deep inspiration and sincere love in the heart ", With donations of domestic and foreign" rats "built a huge house, surrounded by a high brick fence with barbed wire. Only an insignificant part of the "white brothers" funds were spent on certain needs of the Brotherhood. Everything else went to the accounts in foreign banks. So the former Yuoann Swami had something to hide ...

As for the "savior of the world", in the colony Marina Tsvigun behaved humbly, weaving a string bag and cutting mittens. She carefully monitored her health, was well fed and regularly exercised. She had no conflicts with the administration or cellmates. She somehow jokingly told one of them that if it were possible in prison “to have fun sometimes in men's society,” then it would be possible to live here forever. She never fulfilled the production standard in full, which was sometimes "put in a look." She did not preach behind bars, but wrote a lot in her defense to various international institutions. Tsvigun was released from prison under an amnesty. At the gates of the colony she was met by her closest relatives, with whom she departed for her residence. A few years later, she moved to Moscow, where, under the name of Victoria Preobrazhenskaya, she is flourishing to this day and lately, she has increasingly declared herself. So far, in the field of esoteric creativity.

Seven years ago, the former goddess Maria Devi Christ, and now the freelance artist Victoria Preobrazhenskaya, created a new organization of the Cosmic Polyart of the Third Millennium. She holds openings, tries herself as a spiritual poet, takes part in the Mystery Theater, and also actively participates in the activities of her favorite creation, the Great White Fellowship of Ysmalos. And quite successfully. The celebration, which was marked by the Holy Feast of the universe, brought together representatives of many Russian cities and guests of honor from friendly overseas.

So the story of the “White Brotherhood” continues successfully.

Christian Reflections

Propaganda work in all sects without exception is built on ignorance of the foundations of Christian dogma and its history, as well as on the increased suggestibility of emotional young people who do not have enough life experience. And the “White Brotherhood” is not an exception here, but only a clear confirmation of this. Their followers may accuse the author of these lines of bias, pointing out that any agitation and propaganda is nothing more than a mass suggestion. It's hard not to agree with this. However, I note that preaching the imperishable spiritual truths, 2,000 years ago proclaimed by the holy Gospel, the Orthodox Church does not seek, like sectarians, to turn its parishioners into "dumb servants and trouble-free tools", but really helps them to attain mental and physical health ...
   I did not think that I, the historian, would ever have to write about modern secret and obvious apostates, who, with their bordering on insanity, try to replace our original faith in the Savior Jesus Christ with the leaps and bounds of the same insane medieval heresies ... But keep quiet I cannot, because I, a believer, are disturbed by the unimpeded propaganda of this socially dangerous teaching, which disfigures the soul of our youth with the help of the mass media.

One day, entering a half-empty train wagon, I saw color magazines lying on the seats. The glossy cover of one of them, above the globe hanging in space, showed a woman's face with black mascara eyes fixed on it, half hidden by a veil from the starry sky. The magazine had a very long title: “Culture. The new community of transformed humanity. The second, thinner, was called “Usmalos. Great White Brotherhood.

With curiosity I looked through the colorful pages, which are in no way inferior in terms of the quality of printing to the most elite publications. Their content was no different from the leaflets distributed on the streets by the “white brothers” of the new call and muddling Orthodoxy, calling the Orthodox faith “dead,” giving rise to potential slaves, and the state supporting the official Church is “a dark casemate in which its spiritual freedom is stifled citizens. "

It seemed to me that if it really happened, then the “white brothers” could hardly be so free to feel in our cities and villages, freely distribute their militant leaflets and create their websites on the Internet. Most likely, they would have long been in places that are not so remote, where, in my personal conviction, it is their place.

I am surprised at the inaction of our authorities, indifferently looking at the activities of the criminal community, aimed at undermining the spiritual and moral foundations of our state. It kills faith in rational, kind and eternal truths preached by the traditional Church and destroys human souls with the help of diabolical teachings born in the minds of people, burdened with a thirst for money and delusions of grandeur.

For me, as for any Christian, there are no other moral truths than those mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. And it warns us that “there will be false teachers who will introduce pernicious heresies and, rejecting the Lord who has redeemed them, will bring about themselves quick death” (2 Peter, 2: 1).

The ancient fathers of the Christian church said that the words and the meaning of the Holy Scriptures that change their desire are cattle-like. Their speeches are full of deceit, and their intentions are deceit and lies, for he who puffs up to become holy is a robber in his soul. Fifteen centuries have passed since these words were spoken, but it seems that only yesterday ...

Continuing the theme:

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