Case method in literature lessons as a means of developing meta-subject competencies. Using case study technology in teaching Russian language and literature Case methodology in literature lessons


Yangutova N.P., teacher of the Department of OG and PD of the Federal Professional Educational Institution

JSC Volga University named after V.N. Tatishchev"

Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

Tolyatti, Russia,yangutova 79@ mail . r And

One of the important features of modern education is its constant improvement; more and more attention is paid to the development of a multifaceted personality capable of self-esteem, self-development, and self-analysis. In this regard, there is an urgent need for teaching methods that would contribute to the development of skills and abilities that allow one to effectively cope with problems and difficult cases that arise in real educational activities.

This teaching method is called a “case study”. Literally translated from English, case study is the study of cases, or, as it is most often translated in print, situational analysis.

The “homeland” of this method is the United States of America, or more precisely, the Harvard Business School. It was first used in 1924 during the teaching of a fairly local professional field - management disciplines.

In Russian educational practice only in the 90s. The twentieth century, when there was a rapid renewal of the content of all disciplines, favorable preconditions were created for the use of interactive teaching methods in general, and the case method in particular.

Case Study is a specific teaching method used to solve educational problems. The essence of this method is to comprehend, critically analyze and solve specific problems or cases. A case is a description of a situation that took place in a particular practice and contains some problem that requires resolution. It is a kind of tool through which a part of real life is brought into the classroom, a practical situation to be discussed and a reasoned solution to be provided. Cases are usually prepared in writing and based on the experiences of real people.
Due to the high concentration of roles in the cases, this technology is close to game methods and problem-based learning.

Method"case study"develops the following skills:

1. Analytical skills. These include: the ability to classify, highlight essential and non-essential information, analyze, present and extract it, find information gaps and be able to restore them. Think clearly and logically.

2. Practical skills. The problem presented in the case helps to develop skills in using the information received in practice.

3. Creative skills. As a rule, a case cannot be solved by logic alone. Creative skills are very important in generating alternative solutions that cannot be found logically.

4. Communication skills. Among them are the following: the ability to lead a discussion and convince others. Use visual material and other media, cooperate in groups, defend your own point of view, convince opponents, write a short, convincing report.

5. Social skills. During the discussion of the case, certain social skills are developed: assessing people's behavior, the ability to listen, support in a discussion or argue an opposing opinion, control oneself, etc.

6. Self-analysis. Disagreement in a discussion promotes awareness and analysis of the opinions of others and one’s own. Emerging moral and ethical problems require the development of social skills to solve them.

Some scientists believe that there are “dead” and “living” cases. “Dead” cases include cases that contain all the information necessary for analysis. To bring a case to life, it is necessary to construct it in such a way as to provoke students to search for additional information for analysis. This allows the case to develop and remain relevant for a long time.

Sources of cases:

    Fiction and journalistic literature that can suggest ideas and, in some cases, determine the plot of cases in the humanities. Fragments from journalism and the inclusion of current information from the media in the case significantly update the case and increase students’ interest in it.

    Using “local” material as a source for forming cases. It is meant that cases, whenever possible, should highlight the experiences of the students themselves.

    Statistical materials add scientificity and rigor to the case.

    Good materials for the case can be obtained through the analysis of scientific articles, monographs and scientific reports devoted to a particular problem.

    An inexhaustible source of material for cases is the Internet with its resources. This source is characterized by significant scale, flexibility and efficiency.

When solving a common problem in Russian language and literature lessons, joint activities are useful, allowing all students to fully comprehend and assimilate the educational material, additional information, and most importantly, learn to work together and independently.

Case technology is applicable in teaching any subjects if the main objectives set in the lesson are teaching critical thinking skills and independent decision-making. The most convenient for using case technology are the lessons of the Russian language and literature, since it is in these lessons when working with text that we lead children to one idea or another.

The main stages of creating a case are:

    Setting goals.

    Selection of necessary sources.

    Selection and preparation of materials for the case.

Examples of cases can be collections of practical problems, collections of business games, CDs with lesson presentations, etc.

The main difference between a case and a problem: a problem has a solution and a path to it, even if there is more than one. Cases have many solutions that lead to the disclosure of a particular problem.

Case methods that activate the learning process include:

    · incident method, when the student himself must find the missing information;

    · method of analyzing business correspondence;

    · game design;

    · situational role-playing game;

    · discussion method;

    · case - stage or method of situational analysis (method of analysis of specific situations, situational tasks and exercises).

Situational tasks(or cases) - tasks that allow the student to master cognitive operations sequentially in the process of working with information: familiarization - understanding - application - analysis - synthesis - evaluation. This task is clearly practice-oriented in nature, but its solution requires specific subject knowledge. Often, solving it requires knowledge of several subjects. An obligatory element of the task is a problematic question. You just need to formulate it in such a way that the student wants to find the answer.

When solving a situational problem, the teacher and students pursue two different goals: for the student - to find a solution that corresponds to the given situation, for the teacher - for the students to master the method of activity and understand its essence.

Situational task model looks like that:

Task name.

A personally significant cognitive question for the student.

Information on this issue, presented in a variety of forms (text, table, graph, statistical data, etc.)

Tasks for working with this information.

How is the case method implemented in the classroom? So, a literature lesson on the works of M.Yu. Lermontov. Novel "Hero of Our Time".

Case assignment:

Is Lermontov a prototype of his hero?

Students, working with text - a biography and the text of a work, must provide their evidence and draw a conclusion.

When studying N.M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza.”

1 Case problem:

Determine the main reason for the outcome of events. Is this the result of a fatal coincidence or is the ending logical?

2 Case problem:

Suggest your solution to a similar problem of relationships between the main characters in the modern world.

3 Case problem:

Imagine you are editors of a publishing house of the late 18th century. You need to edit the work from the point of view of classicist aesthetics. What would you have to change in the piece?

Taking a case in a Russian language lesson.

The proudest word in the Russian language.

The Russian language, like all other languages, is structured prudently and economically.

Each word can have dozens of meanings. Each turn of speech can acquire a heap of meanings. On each root a whole bush of words grows. And each prefix or suffix gives tens and hundreds of new words based on this very root.

But there is one very tricky suffix in Russian: - issimus

Of course, this is a “newcomer” suffix, not a native one. However, in the Russian language there are many emigrant suffixes that have taken root. Everyone finds refuge here, “marries” their Russian roots, and makes friends with Russian prefixes.

But “-issimus” is not like that. Not at all like that. In the Russian language, only one word has been created with it. Just one. No others.

1. Guess what kind of word this is.

2. Define this suffix, what meaning does it give to the word?

3. Create several new words that do not yet exist in the Russian language with this interesting suffix. You can even write a mini-story.

The method of analyzing business correspondence can be considered using the example of a case on the topic “Epistolary genre. Writing a business letter."

Task: sort through the manager’s mail (invitation, petition, thank you, congratulatory, sympathetic, recommendation letters), make the necessary decisions on them, put forward resolutions. In addition, you need to form a definite opinion about the situation at the enterprise. The final part of the lesson is conducted in the form of a discussion with an analysis of the actions of the players and their ideas about the situation at the enterprise.

One of the variants of the method of parsing business correspondence is the so-called trash can. When implementing this method, game participants are offered to consider a set of individual lines from documents, partially simulating the result of a paper-cutting machine to destroy documents. It is necessary to compose rules and thematic texts from the cut parts. When studying proverbs, I offer handouts in the form of disparate parts, from which it is necessary to compose a statement that is complete in meaning.

Cases can be presented in various forms: from a few sentences to many pages. However, it should be borne in mind that large cases cause some difficulties for students compared to small ones, especially when working for the first time.

The simplest version of the case is that students are given a certain passage of text that contains moral issues, and are asked to invent and predict how events will develop further. For example, Leo Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” or an excerpt from the work of the same writer “Childhood”, where the basis of analysis can be the action of a boy who has a very sensitive, “compassionate” nature, nevertheless, succumbs to a general negative impulse and, together with his comrades, mocks another boy.

Case assignment:

Could it have been possible to do things differently, and what consequences would this have led to?

After the discussion, which usually turns out to be heated, the participants in the discussion receive the ending of the writer’s text in order to correlate their own feelings and premonitions with the author’s perception. As a rule, disputes continue after this. The only drawback of this type of creative work is that only short works or excerpts from novels and stories can be analyzed.

In general, works of art of Russian literature are completely suitable for studying them using case technology, since their ideological content is not an external component, but the deep inner world of the heroes, their quests, the moral and ethical background of actions, which are based on the main distinguishing feature Russian literary creativity - humanism.

The case method helps to give a new fresh sound to seemingly long-worn and boring problematic issues: “I like (don’t like) Natasha Rostova”; “Eugene Onegin – mediocrity or personality”; “Pechorin is a villain or an unhappy person”; “Bazarov is a stupid smart guy” and so on.

Literature lessons use cases of varying degrees of complexity.

First degree presupposes the existence of a practical situation and its solution. Students are asked to determine whether a solution is appropriate for a given situation and whether another solution is possible. For example, do you agree with the statement of critic Nikolai Dobrolyubov, who called Katerina “a ray of light in a dark kingdom”? Do you agree with the words of Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov that in his comedy “Woe from Wit” there are “25 fools for one sane person”? Do you agree with the statement that Vladimir Dubrovsky is a “noble robber”?

Second degree difficulties: there is a certain practical situation - it is necessary to find a solution. For example, “what is the reason for the theme of the “superfluous man” in Russian literature of the early 19th century”? Or “what caused the appearance of the “little man” in Russian literature of the 19th century”?

Third degree difficulties: there is a practical situation - it is necessary to identify the problem and find solutions. For example, when working on A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” it is proposed to determine the main theme, the problem of the work. Students are invited to solve this case after independently reading the work and working with additional literature. As a rule, most students see the main theme of the work as the unfortunate fate of a woman; a much smaller number of children see the main theme of the work as social problems and the structure of society, the problem of the dissimilarity of the characters of family members, etc. There can be many solutions and all options have the right to exist, be proven and discussed.

An example of a literature lesson in a technology case.

Topic: N.A. Nekrasov – poet and citizen

Lesson objectives: To study the leading theme of N. Nekrasov’s work. To introduce the interpretation of the theme of the poet and poetry in the works of N. Nekrasov.

Form of case used in the lesson: pioneering, unstructured cases

Lesson stage








Formulation of the problem

Creating a problem situation

Characteristics of the era of the 40-60s of the 19th century. In the 40-50s, the poetic work of A.A. clearly manifested itself. Feta, F.I. Tyutchev as a peculiar reaction to the democratic orientations that came from Nekrasov and Belinsky. Both poets - Fet and Tyutchev - were outside the strengthening direction in literature, laying its new pedigree. Their initiatives were taken up by A.N. Maykov, Ya.P. Polonsky, A.K. Tolstoy. The poets of this group sincerely believed that poetry should speak about the eternal freely, without coercion. They did not recognize any theory above themselves. Which Russian poet spoke about the purpose of a poet and poetry?

Analysis of the poems “Prophet” by A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov, comparison with the poems of F. Tyutchev and A. Fet, conclusions about the difference in views.

Updating knowledge

Find the problem and ways to solve it

N. Nekrasov argued: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen.” What is the reason for the poet’s appeal to the topic of citizenship?

Primary goal setting: what will be needed to answer the question? (biographical facts, poems, criticism) The Russian poetic tradition has created two stable images of the poet: the poet-prophet and the friend-poet. N. A. Nekrasov begins with a polemic with both images.

Discovery of new knowledge

Working with information

By providing

distribution of printed material for work in groups: 1 group - Nekrasov and his activities in Sovremennik, biographical information

Group 2 – analysis of the poems “Poet and Citizen”, “Muse”, “In Memory of Dobrolyubov”,

“Blessed is the gentle poet...” "Elegy"

“Immersion” in the topic, information processing

acquisition of new knowledge

Creating creative projects


tion of groups

1gr.-creation of the presentation “N. Nekrasov - poet and citizen”

2nd group - creating an oral presentation

3g-essay – miniature “Letter from an indignant reader” and “Letter from an admiring reader”


Creating a syncwine

The syncwine template is reproduced on the board

Working on creating syncwines

Work on solving cases is equally effective in group work of students, in pairs, and in individual work. The result of solving cases can be presented in the form of a presentation, project defense, critical reference, descriptive work, or essay.

What are the benefits of using case technology?

    · Access to a database of modern educational materials.

    · Organization of a flexible educational process.

    · Increase/reduce time spent preparing for lessons.

    · Continuous professional development.

    · Possibility of implementing some elements of the educational process outside of class hours.

To the student:

    · Work with additional materials.

    · Constant access to the consultation database.

    · Ability to prepare yourself for all types of control.

    · Communication with other students in the group.

    · Mastering modern information technologies.

Almost any teacher who wants to introduce case technologies will be able to do this quite professionally, having studied specialized literature and having teaching situations in hand. However, the choice in favor of using interactive learning technologies should not become an end in itself: after all, each of the named technologies of situational analysis should be implemented taking into account educational goals and objectives, the characteristics of the educational group, their interests and needs, the level of competence, regulations and many other factors that determine the capabilities implementation of case technology, their preparation and implementation.

So, the case study method has very wide educational opportunities. Being an interactive teaching method, the case method allows you to increase students' interest in the subject and develop key educational competencies. The variety of results possible when using the method can be divided into two groups: educational results - as results associated with the development of knowledge and skills, and educational results - as results generated by the participants themselves, realized personal learning goals. Educational results are the development of new information, methods of data collection, methods of analysis, the ability to work with text, as well as the correlation of theoretical and practical knowledge. At the same time, the educational results are the creation of an original product, education and achievement of personal goals, increasing the level of professional competence, the emergence of decision-making experience, action in a new situation and problem solving. The greatest effect in educational activities can be achieved with a systematic approach to the selection of traditional and innovative teaching technologies, with their reasonable combination, complementing each other.


    Geykhman L.K. Distance education in the light of the interactive approach / L.K. Geykhman // Mater. II International Scientific - practical Conf. (Perm, February 6-8, 2007). - Perm: Publishing House of Perm State Technical University, 2006. - P.25-32.

    Case method. A window into the world of situational teaching methods (case-study). [Electronic resource] / Access:

    Smolyaninova O.G. Didactic possibilities of the case-study method in teaching students. [Electronic resource] / Access:


on the topic: “Use of case technologies in the classroom (using an example)”

Prepared by:

Dobrydneva Elena Viktorovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

Municipal educational institution "Budogovishchenskaya secondary school"

Belevsky district, Tula region

village Belyaevo


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of case technology as a teaching method…………………………………………………………………………………...........6

      History of the emergence and development of case technology………………………………………………………………………………6

      Case technology as a teaching method in literature lessons....10

      Classification of case technologies……………………………………11

Conclusions on Chapter I………………………………………………………………..21

Chapter II. Application of case technology in literature lessons………..……………………………………………………………………...23

2.1. Methodology for teaching literature using the case method……………..23

2.2. Application of case technology in literature lessons……………26

Conclusions on Chapter II…………………………………………………………………………………31




Today, when humanity is making a transition from an industrial to an information culture, characterized by such features as an integrated nature, flexibility, mobility of thinking, dialogism, tolerance and close communication at all levels, education is faced with the task of preparing a person who corresponds to this new culture.

The problem of knowledge acquisition has been haunting teachers for a long time. Almost any human action in life is associated with the need to assimilate and process certain knowledge and information. Teaching to learn, namely to assimilate and properly process information, is the main thesis of the activity-based approach to learning. A modern school should cultivate a person’s readiness for “innovative behavior.” Obedience, repetition, and imitation are replaced by new requirements: the ability to see problems, calmly accept them and solve them independently. This applies to all spheres of life: domestic, social and professional.

The fundamental difference between the second generation educational standards is their focus on educational outcomes as a system-forming component of the standards design. “The learning process is understood not only as the assimilation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that form the instrumental basis of students’ competencies, but also as a process of personal development, gaining spiritual, moral and social experience.”

Currently, not only the amount of knowledge necessary for a modern person has changed, but even more changes have occurred in the ways of learning new things. There is a sea of ​​knowledge, and the ways of obtaining it have changed dramatically. Using the Internet, students can gain more effective access to sources of knowledge.

Now in Russia there is a modernization of the educational system - different content, approaches, behavior, pedagogical mentality are being proposed, a new education system is being formed, focused on entering the global educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process.

In these conditions, a teacher needs to navigate a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, trends, not waste time discovering what is already known, but use the entire arsenal of Russian pedagogical experience. Today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire wide range of educational technologies.

The teacher’s task is to use teaching technologies focused on the personal-activity approach in education. The choice of technology for teaching a particular discipline is made by the teacher on the basis of his personal beliefs and constitutes his individual style of teaching. Training technology should be aimed at effectively achieving the goal.

As an example of modern effective educational technologies, we cite the following:

technology of critical thinking (American teachers Charles Temple, Ginny Steele, Curtis Meredith);

“Case-Study” technology (case method or case technology - Harvard Business School, USA)

technology of educational dialogue (Soviet psychological and pedagogical school).

In connection with education reforms in our country, there is a constant search for effective teaching methods. One of the new forms of effective teaching technologies is problem-based learning using cases. The introduction of educational cases into the practice of Russian education is currently a very urgent task.

Relevance is determined by a person’s needs for self-determination and self-expression in the conditions of a modern, information society. Based on the above, the topic of this study is: “Case – technology in literature lessons”

The purpose of the work: is to generalize the experience of using case technology as an interactive method in the formation of key educational competencies of students in literature lessons.

The goal was specified in the following tasks:

Trace the history of the development of case technologies;

Describe the classification of case technologies;

Consider case technology in literature lessons as a teaching method;

Identify the methodology for teaching literature using the case method;

Analyze the use of case technologies in literature lessons.

Object of study: interactive method of teaching literature to schoolchildren, case - technology.

Subject of research: the process of student development through the use of literature teaching cases.

Research methods: study of experience, analysis of scientific and methodological literature, deductive method.

The purpose and objectives determined the structure of the work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

ChapterI. Theoretical foundations of case technology as a teaching method

1.1 History of the emergence and development of case technology

Harvard Law School is considered the founder of the case method, and Christopher Columbus Langdell is considered the pioneer of case study. After graduating from Harvard Law School, Langdell continued his work there as a research fellow and librarian. In 1870, Harvard President Charles William Eliot appointed him dean of the law school, and Langdell, having studied the vast library material on jurisprudence, immediately began to develop the case method. Using the Socratic method, developing the trial and error method, he invited students to work with primary sources (court cases, appellate court decisions, etc.) and then draw their own conclusions, present their own interpretations and analysis. Langdell's approach differed sharply from traditional teaching (lectures, seminars, etc.), and the innovation was met with enormous resistance. During his first three years as dean, the number of students dropped from 165 to 117, but, thanks to the support of C. Eliot, Langdell remained dean until 1895. By that time, the method had become established not only at Harvard, but also at six other law schools.

Harvard Business School was founded in 1908. The first program, called “Master of Business Administration” (MBA), introduced a mandatory course – the method of situational analysis “The Art of Doing Business” (1912). Owners of their own businesses were invited to the course to present and discuss problems from their own practice. After two days, each student submitted a written report containing an analytical analysis of the problem and a recommended solution, then the businessman discussed these reports with the group.

The “heyday” of the situation method came in 1919 with the arrival of the new dean, banker Wallace Donham, whose combination of two areas of knowledge (law and business) and knowledge of the situation method allowed him to suggest that teachers reconsider the lecture approach to “collecting cases” and working with them. The first collections of cases were published in 1921. in the Harvard Business Reports, and in 1922, 85 educational institutions began to use them in their work. Donham also organized a number of classes to teach the case method, and since then Harvard has been considered a promoter of the case method.

In European education, the most famous for the use of the case method was the Manchester Business School, which adopted the basic ideas of Harvard at the beginning of the twentieth century, but developed in its own way. In the Manchester tradition, the description of the situation is more concise, and the solution is fundamentally open and developed through group discussions. At the present stage, the Manchester School has begun to move away from theoretical case studies to practical interactive learning, which allows students to be involved in solving real business cases in existing companies. Students are given internships in companies that are experiencing some kind of difficulties and are given the task of finding a way to cope with the problem and achieve its implementation.

Currently, the use of situational tasks is carried out not only in business, medicine, sociology, but in all areas of human knowledge. Teachers of various sciences use the case method not as a specialized course on studying a situation, but in the form of a teaching technology in the classroom (case technology). “Various organizations in many countries of the world (institutes, universities, etc.) have their own collections of cases.

The practice of solving business cases came to Russia from the West along with the first managers who received their education abroad, as well as with students from exchange internship programs. In Russia, the use of the case method in teaching began in the 80s. first at Moscow State University, and then at academic and industry institutes, and later at special training and retraining courses. Since the late 80s, translated (Western) cases have been used.

A significant contribution to the development and implementation of this method was made by G.A. Bryansky, Yu.Yu. Ekaterinoslavsky, O.V. Kozlova, Yu.D. Krasovsky, V.Ya. Platov, D.A. Pospelov, O.A. Ovsyannikov, V.S. Rapopport et al.

However, the development of the method in the USSR at that time was very controversial. On the one hand, the use of the situation analysis method led to the widespread use of game and discussion methods of teaching, but on the other hand, the pressure of ideology and the closed nature of the education system gradually forced the method out of classrooms.

There are different designations for this learning technology. In foreign publications you can find names: the case study method, the business story method, and, finally, simply the case method.

Russian publications most often talk about the method of analyzing specific situations (CAS), business situations, the case method, and situational tasks.

The main feature of the method is the students’ study of precedents, i.e. past situations from business practice.

The essence of the method is that students are given a description of a specific real situation, prepared in a specific format and intended to teach students how to analyze different types of information, generalize it, skills in formulating a problem and developing possible solutions in accordance with established criteria. The student (student) must get acquainted with the problem and think about ways to solve it - the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills is the result of active independent activity of students to resolve contradictions, as a result of which the creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs.

It is believed that case technology can be used most successfully in lessons of economics, law, social studies, history on topics that require the analysis of a large number of documents and primary sources, as well as for the formation of knowledge in those disciplines where several answers to a question can compete with each other in terms of truth. .

The name of the method comes from the Latin term “casus” - “a confusing or unusual case.”

The term “case method”, “case technology” translated from English as the concept “case” means:

a) description of a specific practical situation, a methodological method of teaching according to the principle “from typical situations, examples - to the rule, and not vice versa”, involves an active teaching method based on the consideration of specific (real) situations from the practice of students’ future activities, i.e. use of situational training methodology “case – study”;

b) a set of specially developed educational and methodological materials on various media (printed, audio, video and electronic materials), issued to students for independent work.

Case technology is an interactive technology for short-term learning based on real or fictitious situations, aimed not so much at mastering knowledge, but at developing new qualities and skills in students.

Its main purpose is to develop the ability to develop various problems and find their solutions, to learn to work with information.

Case technology is not a repetition of the teacher, not a retelling of a paragraph or article, not an answer to a teacher’s question, it is an analysis of a specific situation, which forces you to raise the layer of acquired knowledge and apply it in practice.

1.2. Case technology as a teaching method in literature lessons

The learning process using the case method allows you to form meta-subject competencies of students and individualize the learning process. The use of the case method allows you to create a need for knowledge, cognitive interest in the material being studied, provides the opportunity to use scientific research methods, develops cognitive independence and creative thinking abilities, develops emotional and volitional qualities and forms cognitive motivation.

Case technology is one of the mechanisms that makes it possible to make maximum use of the communicative and creative abilities of students. They can be successfully built on both fiction and journalistic literature. In general, works of art of Russian literature are completely suitable for studying them using case technologies, since their ideological content is not an external component, but the deep inner world of the characters, their quests, and the moral and ethical background of their actions. All this is an area of ​​human life that cannot be unequivocally assessed, that is, it implies different interpretations of the same character or action, there are contradictions and problems. This provides the basis for creating a case.

Objectives of the case method:

Activation of cognitive activity of students, which, in turn, increases the effectiveness of learning;

Increasing motivation for the educational process;

Developing skills in working with information, including the ability to request additional information necessary to clarify the situation;

Ability to draw the correct conclusion based on a group analysis of the situation;

Acquiring the skills to clearly and accurately express one’s own point of view orally and in writing, to convincingly defend and defend one’s point of view;

Developing skills for critically evaluating different points of view, carrying out self-analysis, self-control and self-assessment.

The essence of the case method is as follows:

Selection of tasks for the possibility of using different solution paths.

Block-modular construction of studying new material.

Organization of independent work of students in preparation for the lesson, when working with the case.

Communication, exchange of answers between students.

Concentration of all types of activities according to work stages. .

The essence of the case method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills is the result of active independent activity of students to resolve contradictions, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs. The main condition for using the case method in teaching a particular discipline is the presence of contradictions, on the basis of which problem situations, tasks, and practical tasks are formed and formulated for students to discuss and find the optimal solution.

1.3. Classification of case technologies

Case methods can be classified depending on what kind of creative work they require. In particular, the methods of incident, analysis of business correspondence and situational analysis are highlighted.

Case technologies include the following methods:

Game Design

Discussion method

Method of situational role-playing games

Method for parsing business correspondence

Incident Method

Incident Method:

Incident (from lat. incident) – incident, incident, collision.

The purpose of the method is to search for information for the listener to make a decision, and, as a result, learn to work with information: communicate it, systematize it, analyze it.

A problem with missing data is proposed to be solved as a proposed problem.

Method “Analysis of business correspondence” (“folders with incoming documents”, “information labyrinth”, “basket method”).

The method is based on working with documents and papers related to a particular organization, situation, problem.

When working with this technology for analyzing situations, students receive from the teacher folders with the same set of documents related to a certain historical event, a specific economic situation, the activities of a certain enterprise, depending on the topic and subject.

Participants in such training act as decision makers.

The purpose of the exercise is for participants to take the position of a person responsible for working with “incoming documents” and cope with all the tasks that it implies.

Examples of using the method include cases in economics, law, social science, and history, where analysis of a large number of primary sources and documents is required.

Game design method.

The purpose of the method is the process of creating or improving objects.

To work with this technology, class participants can be divided into groups, each of which will develop their own project. Game design can include projects of different types: research, search, creative, predictive, analytical.

For example, predictive: students are tasked with developing a project for an ideal model of the future, for example, “What kind of country do we see in the year 3000?” At the same time, the project must represent a real picture of the future, built in the form of a specific development. The process of constructing a perspective carries within itself all the elements of a creative attitude towards reality, allows you to better understand the phenomena of today, and see the paths of development.

Method of playing roles.

The purpose of the method is to create in the form of a dramatization a true historical, legal, socio-psychological situation for the audience and then provide an opportunity to evaluate the actions and behavior of the participants in the game. One of the varieties of the staging method is role-playing game.

Role-playing is a way to expand the experience of analysis participants by presenting them with an unexpected situation in which they are asked to take the position (role) of the participants and then develop a way that will bring this situation to a worthy conclusion.

Teachers who use this method in the educational process are often frightened by such varieties as “role-playing situations” and role-playing games. These methods indeed have much in common, but still differ significantly.

When “acting out situations in roles,” participants play the role as they see fit, independently determining the strategy of behavior, scenario, and planned result. The main task is to show creativity in solving unexpectedly emerging urgent problems.

Role-playing game is a game according to a given scenario, which requires familiarity with the material of the situation and entering into a given image, transformation.

Discussion method.

Discussion is an exchange of opinions on any issue in accordance with more or less certain rules of procedure.

Intensive learning technologies include group and intergroup discussions.

The most common one today is method of situational analysis, or case study, allowing the student to deeply and thoroughly explore the problem, master cognitive operations sequentially in the process of working with information: familiarization - understanding - application - analysis - synthesis - evaluation. The student is offered a text with a detailed description of the situation that has arisen and is given a task that requires a solution. This task is clearly practice-oriented in nature, but its solution requires specific subject knowledge. Often, solving it requires knowledge of several subjects. An obligatory element of the task is a problematic question. You just need to formulate it in such a way that the student wants to find the answer. Steps already implemented may also be offered for analysis. In this case, the main task will be to determine (through analysis) their feasibility.

When solving a situational problem, the teacher and students pursue two different goals: for the student - to find a solution that corresponds to the given situation, for the teacher - for the students to master the method of activity and understand its essence.

The situational task model looks like this:

Task name.

A personally significant cognitive question for the student.

Information on this issue, presented in a variety of forms (text, table, graph, statistical data, etc.).

Tasks for working with this information.

Naturally, when using each of the listed methods, students also receive a package of questions to which they need to find answers in order to understand the essence of the problem. In addition, case technology involves both individual work on a package of tasks and collective work, which develops the ability to perceive the opinions of other people and the ability to work in a team.

Case structure:

Despite the variety of types of cases, they all have a standard structure.

Typically, a case includes:

    Situation - case, problem, story from real life;

    Context of the situation – chronological, historical, context of place, features of the action or participants in the situation;

    Questions or tasks for working with the case;


Case development stages:

    Determining the place of the case in the system of educational goals;

    Search for an institutional system that will be directly related to the topic of the case;

    Construction, or selection of a situation model;

    Creating a description;

    Gathering additional information;

    Preparation of the final text;

    Presentation of the case, organization of discussion.

Organization of work with the case:

There are a lot of options, this is an opportunity for creativity of the teacher himself. We offer the most generalized lesson model according to which work can be organized.

Stages of organizing a lesson:

1. The stage of immersion in joint activities.

The main task of this stage: the formation of motivation for joint activities, the manifestation of initiatives of the discussion participants. At this stage, the following options are possible:

The text of the case can be distributed to students before class for independent study and preparation of answers to questions. At the beginning of the lesson, students' knowledge of the case material and interest in the discussion are checked. The main problem underlying the case is highlighted and related to the relevant section of the course.

2. Stage of organizing joint activities.

The main task of this stage is to organize activities to solve the problem. You can organize activities in small groups or individually: students are divided into temporary small groups to collectively prepare answers to questions within a time specified by the teacher. In each small group (regardless of other groups), individual answers are compared, finalized, and a unified position is developed, which is drawn up for presentation. Each group selects or appoints a “speaker” who will present the solution. If the case is correctly composed, then the decisions of the groups should not coincide. Speakers present the group's decision and answer questions (speeches must contain an analysis of the situation; both the content of the decision and the presentation technique and the effectiveness of the use of technical means are assessed). The teacher organizes and directs the general discussion.

3. The stage of analysis and reflection of joint activities.

The main task of this stage is to demonstrate the educational and training results of working with the case. In addition, at this stage the effectiveness of organizing the lesson is analyzed, problems in organizing joint activities are identified, and tasks for further work are set. The teacher’s actions can be as follows: the teacher ends the discussion, analyzing the process of discussing the case and the work of all groups, tells and comments on the actual development of events, and sums up the results.

Thus, the emphasis shifts to the production of knowledge, rather than to the mastery of ready-made knowledge. Students get the opportunity to relate theory to real life, in which future school graduates will need the ability to draw conclusions and defend their position.

Based on the type and focus, cases can be divided into training, educational, analytical, research, systematizing and predictive.

They can be different not only in content, but also in structure. Structured cases(highly structured case) include a concise and precise statement of the situation with specific numbers and data. Here there is a certain number of correct answers that can be arrived at by mastering one formula, skill, or technique in a certain area of ​​knowledge.

Unstructured cases(unstructured cases) represent material with a large amount of data. They are designed to assess the speed of thinking, the ability to separate the main from the secondary. For this type of case, there are several correct answer options, and the possibility of finding a non-standard solution is not excluded.

Pioneer cases(ground breaking cases) can be either very short or long. Observing the solution of such a case gives the teacher the opportunity to see whether a person is able to think outside the box, how many creative ideas he can come up with per unit of time. If the work is carried out in a group, is the student able to pick up someone else’s idea and develop it?

Cases also differ in volume. Full cases(average 20-25 pages) are designed for group work over several days. Compressed cases(3-5 pages) – for analysis directly in class and imply a general discussion. Mini cases(1-2 pages), like condensed cases, are intended to be taught in class and are often used to illustrate what is being covered in class.

Classification of cases.

cases, the purpose of which is to use a specific practical example to teach students an algorithm to make the right decision in a certain situation;

in which a specific situation is described and it is proposed to find ways out of it; the purpose of such a case is to find ways to solve the problem;

cases with the formation of a problem, which describe the situation in a specific period of time, identify and clearly formulate problems; the purpose of such a case is to diagnose the situation and make an independent decision;

cases without forming a problem, which describe a more complex situation, where the problem is not clearly identified, but is presented in statistical data and public opinion assessments; The purpose of such a case is to independently identify the problem, indicate alternative ways to solve it with an analysis of available resources.

With active situational learning, participants in the analysis are presented with facts (events) associated with a certain situation according to its state at a certain point in time. The students' task is to make a rational decision, acting within the framework of a collective discussion of possible solutions, i.e. game interaction.

Types of cases.

Printed case – contains graphs, diagrams, illustrations (makes the case more visual).

Multimedia case – depends on the technical equipment of the school.

Video - case.

Types and functions of cases:

training (training skills to work in changing situations - writing texts of various genres);

educational (mastery of knowledge regarding dynamically developing objects - literary theory);

analytical (development of skills and abilities of analytical activity - analysis of phenomena and objects);

research – acts as a model for obtaining new knowledge, teaching scientific research skills through the use of the modeling method, based on the principles of creating a research model;

systematizing (systematization of situational knowledge - the use of suffixes of nouns);

prognostic (obtaining information about the development of this system - forecasting the development of events in a literary work).

The advantage of cases is that students are given the opportunity to optimally combine theory and practice, which seems quite important when preparing a specialist. The case method promotes the development of the ability to analyze situations, evaluate alternatives, choose the best option and plan its implementation. And if this approach is used many times during the educational cycle, then the student develops a stable skill in solving practical problems, increases interest in the subject being studied, and develops such qualities as social activity, communication skills, the ability to listen and competently express his thoughts.

When using case technologies in elementary school, children experience:

Development of analysis and critical thinking skills;

Connection of theory and practice;

Presentation of examples of decisions made;

Demonstration of different positions and points of view;

Formation of skills for evaluating alternative options under conditions of uncertainty.

The teacher’s task is to teach children, both individually and as part of a group:

Analyze information

Sort it to solve a given problem,

Identify key issues

Generate alternative solutions and evaluate them,

Choose the optimal solution and formulate action programs, etc.

In addition, children:

Gain communication skills;

Develop presentation skills;

They develop interactive skills that allow them to effectively interact and make collective decisions;

Acquire expert skills and abilities;

They learn to learn by independently searching for the necessary knowledge to solve a situational problem;

Change motivation for learning.

Conclusions on Chapter I

So, case technology is an interactive teaching technology, based on real or fictitious situations, aimed not so much at mastering knowledge, but at developing new qualities and skills in students.

The spread of the case technology method in education is happening quickly, but certain difficulties arise. First of all, they are associated with the superficial attitude of teachers towards the methodological basis of the method. Situations often arise when the use of the case technology method means the introduction of “pseudo” situations, so-called “life examples” into the educational process, and the educational discussion is replaced by a conversation “about life”. At the same time, the case method can become a real means of increasing the professional competence of a teacher, a way of combining educational, educational and research content in teaching.

The effectiveness of the method is that it can be quite easily combined with other teaching methods.

ChapterII. Application of case technology in literature lessons

2.1. Methodology for teaching literature using the case method

One of the most important characteristics of the case method is the ability to use theory and turn to factual material.

Case technology is applicable in teaching any subjects if the main objectives set in the lesson are teaching critical thinking skills and independent decision-making. The most convenient for using case technologies are the lessons of the Russian language and literature, since it is in these lessons when working with text that we lead children to one idea or another.

Case mode;

Criteria for evaluating work by stages.

Approximate training scheme using the case method:

Case development

Determining the list of literature necessary for mastering the educational topic

Lesson plan development

Guiding group work

Organization of the final discussion

Evaluation of student work.

Receiving a case

Literature Study


Organizing a preliminary discussion of the case content

Studying additional information to master the material of the educational topic and complete the task

Presenting and defending your solution to the task

Listening to other participants' points of view

Methodology of each stage

1. Preparation by the teacher and students:

At this stage, the teacher makes a logical selection of educational material and formulates problems. When selecting material, it takes into account that: large educational material is difficult to remember; educational material, compactly located in a specific system, facilitates perception; Highlighting semantic reference points in the learning material contributes to the effectiveness of its memorization.

2. Individual independent work of students with a case:

Students at this stage work with educational and methodological support, additional literature, and analyze the proposed situations. Despite the simplicity of this stage, great teacher skill is required to stimulate students’ interest in independent work and intensify their learning activities. In the process of independent work, we use a variety of teaching methods and techniques for students, including traditional ones.

3. Checking the assimilation of the studied material.

Since students independently study new material using a case study, there is often a need to check their mastery of it. Testing methods can be traditional (oral frontal questioning, mutual testing, answering on cards, etc.) and non-traditional (testing, rating, etc.)

4. Work in small groups:

It occupies a central place in the case method, as it is the best method for studying and sharing experience. After students are divided into small groups to work, they begin independent work.

Principles for organizing independent collaborative work of students in small groups:

Principle of cooperation: (a set of joint and individual activities; independent work at home as advanced learning and work directly in class).

The principle of collectivism: (everyone’s work is addressed not to the teacher, but to all students).

The principle of role participation: (voluntariness in choosing roles; pleasure from the role played; tact in changing roles).

Principle of responsibility: (the student answers the lesson material not to the teacher, but to his classmates; control is clear; we teach students methods of self-control and self-assessment).

To work effectively in small groups, the following rules are followed:

Common problems for everyone;

Commonality of requirements (for this, especially at first, we create groups of approximately equal opportunities);

The number of people in the group is no more than 5 (for everyone to work effectively);

Identification of a leader (formal or informal);

Creation of a control group (for example, experts);

Publicity of work in all groups and collective discussion;

Taking into account the capabilities of the group when posing the problem (tasks must be feasible).

Compliance with these rules makes it possible to organize a developing educational process, since in solving a creative problem, students first conduct a mental search of the solutions known to them and, not finding it in the arsenal of their previous experience, construct a new method.

5. When working in small groups, we pay special attention to the discussion, during which options for solving each situation are presented, answers to emerging questions, and opposition.

Criteria for assessing work by stages of the lesson:

Competent solution to the problem;

Novelty and originality of problem solving;

Brevity and clarity of presentation of the theoretical part;

The quality of the solution to the problem;

Ethics of discussion;

The activity of all members of the microgroup.

2.2. Application of case technology in literature lessons

How to implement the case method in literature and Russian language lessons? For example, in a literature lesson in the 9th grade on the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, when studying the novel “A Hero of Our Time,” you can offer the following case assignment: “Is Lermontov a prototype of his hero?”

Students, working with the biographical text and the text of the work, must provide their evidence and draw a conclusion.

In grade 9, when studying N.M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza,” the following case problems can be proposed:

1. Determine the main reason for the outcome of events. Is this the result of a fatal coincidence or is the ending logical?

2. Offer your solution to a similar problem of relationships between the main characters in the modern world.

3. Imagine you are editors of a publishing house of the late 18th century. You need to edit the work from the point of view of classicist aesthetics. What would you have to change in the piece?

In a Russian language lesson, you can use the following case technique:

The proudest word in the Russian language. The Russian language, like all other languages, is structured prudently and economically. Each word can have dozens of meanings. Each turn of speech can acquire a heap of meanings. On each root a whole bush of words grows. And each prefix or suffix gives tens and hundreds of new words based on this very root. But there is one very tricky suffix in Russian - “-issimus”.

Of course, this is a “newcomer” suffix, not a native one. However, in the Russian language there are many immigrant suffixes that have taken root. Everyone finds refuge here, “marries” their Russian roots, and makes friends with Russian prefixes. But “-issimus” is not like that. Not at all. In the Russian language, only one word has been created with it. Just one. There are no others.

1. Guess what kind of word this is.

2. Define this suffix, what meaning does it give to the word?

3. Create several new words that do not yet exist in the Russian language with this interesting suffix.

You can even write a mini-story.

The method of analyzing business correspondence can be considered using the example of a case on the topic “Epistolary genre. Writing a business letter."

Task: sort through the manager’s mail (invitation, petition, thank you, congratulatory, sympathetic, recommendation letters), make the necessary decisions on them, put forward resolutions. In addition, you need to form a definite opinion about the situation at the enterprise. The final part of the lesson is conducted in the form of a discussion with an analysis of the actions of the players and their ideas about the situation at the enterprise.

One of the variants of the method of parsing business correspondence is the so-called trash can. When implementing this method, game participants are offered to consider a set of individual lines from documents, partially simulating the result of a paper-cutting machine to destroy documents. It is necessary to compose rules and thematic texts from the cut parts. When studying proverbs, you can offer handouts in the form of disparate parts, from which you need to compose a statement that is complete in meaning.

Cases can be presented in various forms: from a few sentences to many pages. However, it should be borne in mind that large cases cause some difficulties for students compared to small ones, especially when working with them for the first time.

The simplest version of the case: students are given a certain passage of text that contains moral issues, and are asked to invent and predict how events will develop further. For example, Leo Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” or an excerpt from the work of the same writer “Childhood”, where the basis of analysis can be the action of a boy who has a very sensitive, “compassionate” nature, but, nevertheless, succumbs to the general negative impulse and together with his comrades mocks another boy.

Case assignment:

Could it have been possible to do things differently, and what consequences would this have led to?

After the discussion, which usually turns out to be heated, the participants in the discussion receive the ending of the writer’s text in order to correlate their own feelings and premonitions with the author’s perception. As a rule, disputes continue after this. The only drawback of this type of creative work is that only short works or excerpts from novels and stories can be analyzed.

In general, works of art of Russian literature are completely suitable for studying them using case technology, since their ideological content is not an external component, but the deep inner world of the heroes, their quests, the moral and ethical background of actions, which are based on the main distinguishing feature Russian literary creativity - humanism.

The case method helps to give a new fresh sound to seemingly long-worn and boring problematic issues: “I like (don’t like) Natasha Rostova”; “Eugene Onegin – mediocrity or personality”; “Pechorin is a villain or an unhappy person”; “Bazarov is a stupid smart guy” and so on.

In literature lessons, it is possible to use cases of varying degrees of complexity.

First degree presupposes the existence of a practical situation and its solution. Students are asked to determine whether a solution is appropriate for a given situation and whether another solution is possible. For example, do you agree with the statement of critic Nikolai Dobrolyubov, who called Katerina “a ray of light in a dark kingdom”? Do you agree with the words of Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov that in his comedy “Woe from Wit” there are “25 fools for one sane person”? Do you agree with the statement that Vladimir Dubrovsky is a “noble robber”?

Second degree difficulties: there is a certain practical situation - it is necessary to find a solution. For example, “what is the reason for the theme of the “superfluous man” in Russian literature of the early 19th century”? Or “what caused the appearance of the “little man” in Russian literature of the 19th century”?

Third degree difficulties: there is a practical situation - it is necessary to identify the problem and find solutions. For example, when working on A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” it is proposed to determine the main theme, the problem of the work. Students are invited to solve this case after independently reading the work and working with additional literature. As a rule, most students see the main theme of the work as the unfortunate fate of a woman; a much smaller number of children see the main theme of the work as social problems and the structure of society, the problem of the dissimilarity of the characters of family members, etc. There can be many solutions and all options have the right to exist, be proven and discussed.

Work on solving cases is equally effective in group work of students, in pairs, and in individual work. The result of solving cases can be presented in the form of a presentation, project defense, critical reference, descriptive work, or essay.

What are the benefits of using case technology?

Access to a database of modern educational materials.

Organization of a flexible educational process.

Increase/reduce time spent preparing for lessons.

Continuous professional development.

Possibility of implementing some elements of the educational process outside of class hours.

To the student:

Working with additional materials.

Constant access to the consultation database.

The ability to prepare yourself for all types of control.

Communication with other students in the group.

Mastering modern information technologies.

Almost any teacher who wants to introduce case technologies will be able to do this quite professionally, having studied special literature and having teaching situations in hand. However, the choice in favor of using interactive learning technologies should not become an end in itself: after all, each of the named technologies of situational analysis should be implemented taking into account educational goals and objectives, the characteristics of the educational group, their interests and needs, the level of competence, regulations and many other factors that determine the capabilities implementation of case technology, their preparation and implementation.

To summarize the above, I would like to quote the words of the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy: “Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired through the efforts of one’s thoughts, and not through memory alone.”

Conclusions on Chapter II

To help a child become competent, it is necessary to use active learning methods, for example, the project method, the method of problem presentation, games that are part of case technologies. The system-activity approach to teaching, which Russian schools are currently striving for, encourages teachers to search for ways to form and develop universal educational activities, helping the student to “embrace the immensity”, to study academic subjects based on activity, that is, to go to knowledge from action.

In the process of studying the subject "Literature", the formation of theoretical ideas can also follow this path - from action to thought. Therefore, the formation of practical skills based on mastery of universal educational actions is of particular importance.

The essence of case technology is the analysis of a real situation (certain input data), the description of which simultaneously reflects not only any practical problem, but also actualizes a certain set of knowledge that must be learned when solving this problem. At the same time, the problem itself does not have clear solutions. Being an interactive teaching method, the case method helps to increase students' interest in the subject. The use of this method helps to develop in children such important qualities for later life as communication skills, social activity, the ability to correctly present their opinion and listen to the opinion of another person.


For Russia, case technology or case teaching methods are a relatively new phenomenon. They began to become widespread only in the 90s of the 20th century on the basis of several Moscow universities. In order to integrate business cases into the Russian education system, an association of business clubs of the Russian Federation was created. A significant contribution to the development and implementation of this method was made by G.A. Bryansky, Yu.Yu. Ekaterinoslavsky, O.V. Kozlova, Yu.D. Krasovsky, V.Ya. Platov, D.A. Pospelov, O.A. Ovsyannikov, V.S. Rapopport et al.

In Russia, case technology is also called the method of analysis of specific situations (CAS), situational tasks. The use of the case method allows you to create a need for knowledge, cognitive interest in the material being studied, provides the opportunity to use scientific research methods, develops cognitive independence and creative thinking abilities, develops emotional and volitional qualities and forms cognitive motivation.

Case - technology– one of the mechanisms that allows maximum use of students’ communicative and creative abilities

The essence of the case method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills is the result of active independent activity of students to resolve contradictions, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs.

Case methods can be classified depending on what kind of creative work they require. In particular, the methods of incident, analysis of business correspondence and situational analysis are highlighted.

A means to achieve the goals of teaching literature is a case, as a package of documents for students to work on.

Structure and content of the case:

Presentation of the lesson topic, problem, questions, assignments;

Detailed description of controversial situations;

Related facts, positions, options, alternatives;

Educational and methodological support:

Visual, handout or other illustrative material;

Basic and additional literature;

Case mode;

Criteria for evaluating work by stages.

To help a child become competent, it is necessary to use active learning methods, for example, the project method, the method of problem presentation, games that are part of case technologies.

The use of case technologies in teaching literature allows us to create a favorable environment in the classroom for practicing the practical skills necessary for schoolchildren to work competently with various types of information, allows us to activate the theoretical knowledge and practical experience of students, their ability to express their thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and the ability to listen to alternative point of view, and express yours in a reasoned manner. The use of this method is also necessary because it allows you to see the ambiguity of solving problems in real life.

Thus, the goals and objectives outlined in this work were achieved through synthesis, classification and analysis of methodological literature


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    Case technologies as a condition for enhancing independent work (

    Case technologies as a means of developing key competencies of students in Russian language and literature lessons.

Examples of cases for conducting literature lessons when studying the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

1) Students are given a modern life situation into which the characters of the novel are transported. The initial stage of studying the novel is taken into account; Accordingly, the characters' characters are not fully revealed by students.

Case text:

Our days. Modernly furnished living room. Sofas, TV (You can complete the picture yourself). In the living room are Bazarov, Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov (You are asked to determine the activities of each character at the moment). On television in the information and analytical program “Times” there is a discussion of the need for cloning. What will be the reaction of everyone in the living room?


· Distribute roles in the group;

· Model the behavior of each character in a given situation, taking into account his character (characteristics of heroes);

· Create a short speech text for each character (speech characteristics of the characters).

Such a case helps students develop communicative competence (creating the text of a character’s speech, working in a group), informational (collecting information from the text about the characters’ characters, analyzing it), and students also try to work with this information, using it in new specific situations.

2) Students are given a specific situation from the text of the work.

A comprehensive assessment of the situation is assumed by all participants in communication: the author, characters, readers, critics.

Case text:

Bazarov quietly moved forward, and Pavel Petrovich walked towards him, putting his left hand in his pocket and gradually raising the muzzle of the pistol... “He’s aiming right at my nose,” thought Bazarov, “and how diligently he squints, the robber!” However, this is an unpleasant sensation. I’ll start looking at the chain of his watch...” Something made a sharp noise right next to Bazarov’s ear, and at the same instant a shot rang out. “I heard, so it’s nothing,” managed to flash through his head. He stepped again and, without aiming, suppressed the spring.

Pavel Petrovich trembled slightly and grabbed his thigh with his hand. A trickle of blood ran down his white trousers.

Bazarov threw the pistol to the side and approached his opponent.

-Are you injured? - he said.

“You had the right to call me to the barrier,” said Pavel Petrovich, “and this is nothing.” According to the condition, everyone has one more shot.

“Well, excuse me, that’s for another time,” answered Bazarov and grabbed Pavel Petrovich, who was beginning to turn pale. - Now I am no longer a duelist, but a doctor, and first of all I must examine your wound. Peter! come here, Peter! where did you hide?

“All this is nonsense... I don’t need anyone’s help,” said Pavel Petrovich with emphasis, “and... we must... again...” He wanted to pull his mustache, but his hand weakened, his eyes rolled and he fainted.

- Here's the news! Fainting! Why! - Bazarov involuntarily exclaimed, lowering Pavel Petrovich onto the grass. - Let's see, what is this thing? “He took out a handkerchief, wiped off the blood, felt around the wound... “The bone is intact,” he muttered through his teeth, “the bullet passed shallowly through, one muscle of the vastus externus was hit.” At least dance in three weeks!.. And faint! Oh, these people make me nervous! Look, the skin is so thin."

- Killed, sir? - Peter’s tremulous voice rustled behind him.

Bazarov looked around.

- Go get water quickly, brother, and it will outlive you and me.

But the enhanced servant did not seem to understand his words and did not move. Pavel Petrovich slowly opened his eyes. "It's ending!" - Peter whispered and began to cross himself.

- You're right... What a stupid face! - said the wounded gentleman with a forced smile.

- Go get some water, damn it! - Bazarov shouted.

- No need... It was a momentary vertige... Help me sit down... like this... All I have to do is grab this scratch with something, and I’ll walk home, otherwise they can send a droshky for me. The duel, if you like, is not renewed. You acted nobly... today, today - mind you.

“There’s no need to remember the past,” objected Bazarov, “and as for the future, there’s no need to worry about it either, because I intend to sneak away immediately.” Let me bandage your leg now; your wound is not dangerous, but it’s better to stop the bleeding. But first this mortal must be brought to his senses. [Chapter 24]


· Distribute roles in the group: author, heroes, contemporary readers, readers of our time, critics;

· Assess the situation from the perspective of your role in it by creating a short text.

This case makes it possible to reveal not only the positions of the characters in the work and their characteristics, but also to simultaneously analyze the author’s position, the reader’s opinion (interpretation of the text by students as modern readers). In addition, the case is interesting because of the need to search for information from the text of the work, critical articles, and reader reviews.

3) A specific situation from the text of the work is proposed, but with a different, simulated result of the situation.

Case text:

“You will forget me,” he began again, “the dead are not a friend to the living.” Your father will tell you that this is what kind of person Russia is losing... This is nonsense; but don't dissuade the old man. Whatever the child enjoys... you know. And caress your mother. After all, people like them cannot be found in your big world during the day... Russia needs me... No, apparently I don’t. And who is needed? A shoemaker is needed, a tailor is needed, a butcher... sells meat... butcher... wait, I'm confused... There is a forest here...

Bazarov put his hand on his forehead.

Anna Sergeevna leaned towards him.

- Evgeny Vasilich, I’m here...

He immediately accepted the hand and stood up.

“Farewell,” he said with sudden force, and his eyes flashed with a final sparkle. - Goodbye... Listen... I didn’t kiss you then... Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out...

Anna Sergeevna pressed her lips to his forehead.

- That's enough! - he said and sank onto the pillow. - Now... darkness...

Anna Sergeevna quietly left.

- What? - Vasily Ivanovich asked her in a whisper.

“He fell asleep,” she answered barely audibly.

Bazarov was no longer destined to wake up. By evening he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died. [Chapter XXVII]

(Variant ending: By evening Bazarov felt better; every day he was recovering faster and faster. After two months, not a trace of the disease remained) .


· Determine the possibility of such a change in the situation;

· Consider further developments taking into account this transformation.

The case can be assigned to a small group of 2-3 people. It promotes the development of divergent (ambiguous) thinking in students. Students see the possibility of resolving the situation in various ways, they develop their own point of view.

4) Students are given a situation from the text of the work they are studying. A new independent interpretation of the text with the possibility of changing it is assumed.

Case text:

Some almost hostile feeling gripped the hearts of both young people. About five minutes later they opened their eyes and looked at each other in silence.

“Look,” Arkady said suddenly, “a dry maple leaf has come off and is falling to the ground; its movements are completely similar to the flight of a butterfly. Isn't it strange? The saddest and deadest is similar to the most cheerful and alive.

- Oh my friend, Arkady Nikolaich! - exclaimed Bazarov, - I ask you one thing: don’t speak beautifully.

- I speak as best I can... And finally, this is despotism. A thought occurred to me; why not express it?

- So; but why shouldn’t I express my thoughts? I find that speaking beautifully is indecent.

- What is decent? Swear?

- Uh! Yes, I see you definitely intend to follow in your uncle’s footsteps. How happy this idiot would be if he heard you!

- What did you call Pavel Petrovich?

“I called him properly, an idiot.”

- This, however, is unbearable! - Arkady exclaimed.

- Yeah! a kindred feeling spoke,” Bazarov said calmly. - I noticed that it persists in people very stubbornly. A person is ready to give up everything, he will part with every prejudice; but to admit that, for example, a brother who steals other people's handkerchiefs is a thief is beyond his strength. And indeed: my brother, my brother, is not a genius... is this possible?

“A simple sense of justice began to speak in me, and not at all related,” Arkady objected passionately. - But since you don’t understand this feeling, you don’t have this feeling, then you can’t judge it.

“In other words: Arkady Kirsanov is too exalted for my understanding,” I bow and fall silent.

- Enough, please, Evgeny; We'll finally quarrel.

- Ah, Arkady! Do me a favor, let's have a good fight once - to the point of being robbed, to the point of extermination.

- But this way, we’ll probably end up with...

- What are we going to fight? - Bazarov picked up. - Well? Here, in the hay, in such an idyllic setting, far from the light and human gaze - nothing. But you can't deal with me. I'll grab you by the throat now...

Bazarov spread out his long and stiff fingers... Arkady turned and prepared, as if jokingly, to resist... But his friend’s face seemed so ominous to him, such a serious threat seemed to him in the crooked smile of his lips, in his sparkling eyes, that he felt involuntary timidity... [Chapter XXI]


· Distribute roles in the group;

· Discuss the situation from your own perspective;

· Model your own behavior in this situation (reason).

The case helps you form your own point of view and allows you to avoid unambiguity in interpreting the text and making any decisions.

5) Students are given a situation: The author of works creates in our time.

Case text:

Imagine that I.S. Turgenev is transported to our time and tries to describe what he saw in his new novel about the new time.


· Distribute tasks in the group;

· Model the title (topic) of the work, its issues (with the argumentation of the choice);

· Model the types of characters in this work (with arguments for the choice).

Such a case has a certain complexity. When discussing it, students must be familiar with the author’s position and his attitude to life. It is expected to develop analysis and comparison skills, as well as creative skills.

6) Situation proposed: Screen adaptation of the novel “Fathers and Sons”.

Case text:

You are I.S. Turgenev is the director and screenwriter of the new film adaptation of the novel “Fathers and Sons,” and your task is to select performers for the roles of the characters in the novel (any modern actor is at your disposal), i.e. correctly describe each character.


· Distribute roles in the group (each participant is an author, considering one character, selecting one actor);

· Describe the characters (select role players).

When working with this case, the group must collect information about the characters from the work, but not all of it, but only that which reflects the author’s attitude towards them.

7) The teacher invites students to find or model on their own a situation from modern life that would reflect an excerpt from the work being studied.

Case text:

He [Nikolai Petrovich] hesitated for a moment and continued in French.

- A strict moralist will find my frankness inappropriate, but, firstly, it cannot be hidden, and secondly, you know, I have always had special principles about the relationship between father and son. However, you, of course, will have the right to condemn me. In my years... In a word, this... this girl, about whom you have probably already heard...

- Fenechka? - Arkady asked cheekily. Nikolai Petrovich blushed.

- Please don’t call her loudly... Well, yes... she lives with me now. I placed her in the house... there were two small rooms. However, all this can be changed.

- For mercy, dad, why?

- Your friend will be visiting us... awkward...

- Please don’t worry about Bazarov. He is above all this.

“Well, you finally,” said Nikolai Petrovich. - The outhouse is bad - that’s the problem.

“For mercy, dad,” Arkady picked up, “you seem to be apologizing; How are you not ashamed?

“Of course, I should be ashamed,” answered Nikolai Petrovich, blushing more and more.

- Come on, dad, come on, do me a favor! - Arkady smiled affectionately. “What is he apologizing for!” - he thought to himself, and a feeling of condescending tenderness for his kind and gentle father, mixed with a feeling of some secret superiority, filled his soul. “Please stop,” he repeated again, involuntarily enjoying the consciousness of his own development and freedom.

Nikolai Petrovich looked at him from under the fingers of the hand with which he continued to rub his forehead, and something stabbed him in the heart... [Chapter III]


· Analyze (discuss) the plot of the passage, highlight a relevant today (timeless) problem in it;

· Find (based on your own or someone else’s experience) a situation in modern reality that reflects the plot of this passage, draw conclusions (you can use the reader’s experience).

Students thus prove or disprove the timelessness and relevance of the plot of this text. The positive aspects of the case are that

students learn to interpret a plot, see its problems, transfer it to the surrounding reality, analyze personal experience, and draw conclusions.

8) Students are offered a situation where they will be the authors of an advertisement for the novel “Fathers and Children.”

Case text:

A new publishing house (you can name it yourself) is releasing a series of novels XIXcentury. The publisher approaches you with a proposal to create an advertisement for the novel “Fathers and Sons.” Undoubtedly, it must meet all the requirements of the modern market: after advertising, the novel must be sold, but no one’s rights are infringed.


· Highlight the main idea in the work, which should interest the reader today, in modern reality;

Such a case is extremely relevant and assumes high student interest in it. Students, firstly, will analyze various advertisements, including advertisements for works of art, and learn to identify the interests of the modern reader (or model them from their own experience). In addition, the case is creatively oriented. It is expected to create advertising text and design it. This case can be given to students as a separate project.

Case method in teaching Russian language and literature
Annotation. The article discusses the use of the case method in Russian language and literature lessons, its relationship with other modern teaching methods. The author offers several options for using cases in the classroom. The article is mainly aimed at school teachers.
Summary.In article application a case method at Russian and literature lessons, its interrelation with other modern methods of training is considered. The author offers some options of use of cases at lessons.Article is mainly focused on teachers of schools.

In science, there are many interpretations of the concept of a case in pedagogy, but in our work we will adhere to the statement that case-study is a method of specific situations (from the English case - case, situation), a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific tasks. This method is currently one of the most effective ways of teaching not only in specialized and general education classes, but also in distance learning.

The peculiarity of this method is that educational materials are compiled into a special set (case) and sent to the student for independent study or given at the beginning of the lesson, then during the lesson the children offer their solutions to the main issues of the case, the teacher corrects the conclusions. The case can be created by the children themselves or created during the lesson. Tasks may not have an exact solution, then a problem is identified, and students look for ways to solve it, relying on the objective point of view of linguists, writers, and poets. During the lesson, the teacher acts as a guide of ideas. In this case, the teacher can use group forms of work and individual consultations on the Internet, library resources and computer class.

At its core, the case method is close to methods such as games, projects, discussions [ 3, c.12]. Therefore, cases can be supplemented with the following elements from the listed teaching methods: games for speech development (Fairy Tale Word, Epithets in the Alphabet, Picture Writing), optimization games (Draw your dream, Wish for the day, I want to be a wizard, Orange mood), projects " The history of my last name”, “Why do we make mistakes in spelling words”, “Our language is similar to the languages ​​of other peoples of the world”, discussion “Do I agree with the words of K. Paustovsky about the Russian language?”

We would like to present several cases that were included in Russian language and literature lessons in 5th grade.
Case 1 “Children’s writer: who is he?”:
This is who is covered in the bed

Blankets on cotton wool?

Who lies on 3 pillows

In front of the food table?

Airplane - one of the modes of transport mentioned in the poem
"From Coach to Rocket"

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands.

Good neighbors

Happy friends.

We have fun

We sing a song

And the song says

About how we live.

To become a hero

You gotta be brave

Honest in everyone's business,

Modest in everyone's words.

Support for the weak

In a brave duel,

Loyal to the people.

Thoughts and deeds.

For participation in the Great Patriotic War, where he was a war correspondent, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Red Banner of Battle and medals.

Despite the variety of creative interests, the writer himself considered poetry for children to be the main work of his life.

Question 1: What do you know about the biography of this writer?

Task 1: Find a characteristic of Uncle Styopa in the text of the poem.

Question 2: In one lane

Were at home

In one of the houses

Once upon a time there lived a stubborn...?

Task 2: What is special about the puppy Trezor from the poem “My Puppy Trezor”?

Case 2 “Why is the science of the Russian language important for us?”
[ language] - language
The sound can be consonant, vowel...
One letter I always gives two sounds y, a
The ringing sound is deafening...
[ Yozh] – hedgehog
Y – consonant sound...
[ My a] - my
The sound O in an unstressed position...
The transcription of a word is always different from the spelling of that word.
. is the science of the Russian language that studies sounds

Case 3 “My fairy tale”.

Find definitions for terms in the textbook: beginning, repetition, personification, comparison, fairy tale, folklore.

Myth and fairy tale: similar genres?

The text by E. Klyuev is a fairy tale, why?

Write down the word FLOWER, come up with magical characters for each letter of the word, then write a fairy tale with the participation of these characters.

Case 4 “What fairy tale?”

Students look for clue words that are in the literature room: they can be on the furniture, blackboard, windowsill.

Then all the words are collected in one place, for example, on a board.

Words: once upon a time, three, arrow, frog, princess, wishes, magic.

Children guess the fairy tale and then write a mini-essay “Why is the fairy tale about the Frog Princess magical?”

What is said in the excerpts from the poems:


We can't predict
How our word will respond, -
And we are given sympathy,
How grace is given to us...

Ivan Bunin

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -
Only the word is given life:
From ancient darkness, on the world graveyard,
Only the Letters sound.

And we have no other property!
Know how to take care
At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech.

What are the names of these poems? When is Mother Language Day celebrated? Is this holiday necessary in our country?

Having analyzed the methodology for using case-study in working with students, we have identified the following requirements for a case in the context of preparing future school graduates who are sociable, mobile and self-confident:

    an incident from the life of a teenager;

    problem that needs to be solved;

    the possibility of several ways to solve this problem;

    illustration of typical situations;

    development of critical thinking.

Teaching using the case method helps schoolchildren acquire a variety of skills:

    collecting information (communication with different age categories);

    critical thinking;

    interpersonal communication: listening and understanding other people;

    collective work in a group;

    creative work.

In our opinion, such classes with children and adolescents are of great educational importance and help create conditions for students to accept the diversity of reality, the formation of a systemic vision, the development of oral speech and the ability to think critically, formulate, present and argue their own point of view.


    Andreev, A.A., Soldatkin, V.I. Distance learning: essence, technology, organization / A.A. Andreev, V.I. Soldatkin. – M.: MESI, 1999. – 381 p.

    Andyusev, B.E. Case method as a tool for developing competencies // School Director. – No. 4. – 2010. – p. 61 – 69.

    Balyasnikova, T.A. Application of Case Technology in preparing students for the Unified State Exam (Part C) / T.A. Balyasnikova. – M.: Planeta, 2011. – 275 p.


Kazyulina Olga Vladimirovna,
teacher of Russian language and literature

Case method as a form of education is not an invention of our time; it arose at the beginning of the last century on the basis of the Harvard University Business School. The essence of the method is that students receive a package (case) of tasks that do not have an exact solution. Accordingly, the student is required to either identify the problem and ways to solve it, or develop options for solving a difficult situation when the problem is identified.

In Russia, case technology is also called a method of analyzing specific situations, situational tasks. In recent years, case technologies have found wide application in medicine, law, economics, political science, and business schools.

The case method combines such well-proven methods as: the project method, role-playing game, situational analysis and much more. When solving a common problem in literature lessons, joint activity turns out to be useful, which allows all students to fully comprehend and assimilate the educational material, additional information, and most importantly, learn to work together and independently.

The learning process using the case method allows you to form meta-subject competencies of students and individualize the learning process. The use of the case method allows you to create a need for knowledge, cognitive interest in the material being studied, provides the opportunity to use scientific research methods, develops cognitive independence and creative thinking abilities, develops emotional and volitional qualities and forms cognitive motivation.

Case technology is one of the mechanisms that makes it possible to make maximum use of the communicative and creative abilities of students. They can be successfully built on both fiction and journalistic literature. In general, works of art of Russian literature are completely suitable for studying them using case technologies, since their ideological content is not an external component, but the deep inner world of the characters, their quests, and the moral and ethical background of their actions. All this is an area of ​​human life that cannot be unequivocally assessed, that is, it implies different interpretations of the same character or action, there are contradictions and problems. This provides the basis for creating a case.

The goals of the case method are:

  • activating the cognitive activity of students, which, in turn, increases the effectiveness of learning;
  • increasing motivation for the educational process;
  • developing skills in working with information, including the ability to request additional information necessary to clarify the situation;
  • the ability to draw the correct conclusion based on a group analysis of the situation;
  • acquiring the skills to clearly and accurately express one’s own point of view orally and in writing, to convincingly defend and defend one’s point of view;
  • developing skills for critical evaluation of different points of view, carrying out self-analysis, self-control and self-assessment.
Structure and content of the case:
  • presentation of the lesson topic, problem, questions, assignments;
  • detailed description of controversial situations;
  • related facts, positions, options, alternatives;
  • educational and methodological support: visual, handout or other illustrative material; basic and additional literature;
  • mode of operation with the case;
  • criteria for evaluating work by stages.
Case methods can be classified depending on the kind of creative work they require. In particular, the methods of incident, analysis of business correspondence and situational analysis are highlighted.

The most common method today is situational analysis, which allows you to study the problem in depth and in detail. The student is offered a text with a detailed description of the situation that has arisen and is given a task that requires a solution. Already implemented models can also be offered for analysis. In this case, the main task is to determine their feasibility through analysis.

Naturally, when using each of the listed methods, students also receive a package of questions to which they need to find answers in order to understand the essence of the problem. In addition, case technologies involve both individual work on a package of tasks and collective work, which develops the ability to perceive the opinions of other people and the ability to work in a team.
The content of cases can be very diverse: works of art, films, cases can touch on students’ own life experiences and much more.

Thus, the emphasis shifts to the production of knowledge, rather than to the mastery of ready-made knowledge. Students get the opportunity to correlate theory with real life, conduct a deep comparative analysis of works and life phenomena, in which future school graduates will need the ability to draw conclusions and defend their position.

Based on the type and focus, cases can be divided into training, educational, analytical, research, systematizing and predictive.

Observing the solution to each case gives the teacher the opportunity to see whether a person is able to think outside the box and creatively. If the work is carried out in a group, is the student able to pick up someone else’s idea and develop it?
Cases also differ in volume. Full cases (on average 20-25 pages) are designed to be worked in a group over several days. Condensed cases (3-5 pages) - for analysis directly in class and imply general discussion. Mini-cases (1-2 pages), like condensed cases, are intended to be taught in class and are often used to illustrate what is being taught in class.

Solving cases is equally effective in group work, in pairs, and in individual work. The result of solving cases can be presented in the form of a presentation, project defense, miniature essay, oral presentation, and so on.
With the skillful use of this type of activity in the classroom, students spontaneously transition from external motivation for learning to internal regulation of self-learning. Thus, it becomes possible to individualize the learning process as much as possible.

Tasks should not be primitive in nature and classified as case methods based on formal criteria. Each case is a serious methodological development that should take into account the age characteristics and creative abilities of students.
The controllability of the learning process lies in the fact that the right to select information (subject to the permissibility of student participation at the stage of preparing the case) belongs to the teacher. He can predict the course of the discussion, as well as the options for proposed solutions. original non-standard solutions. Case - technology today is opposed to such types of work as repeating after the teacher, answering the teacher’s questions, retelling the text, etc. Cases differ from ordinary educational tasks. This method contributes to the development of students’ ability to make independent decisions; cases have multiple solutions and many alternative paths leading to them.

And yet, I think, cases should not be considered a universal method. For the school curriculum, methods of this kind are only an addition to the basic knowledge that is acquired in the traditional way. No analytical work can be intuitive, no serious conclusions can be drawn if there is no deep knowledge of the subject.

  1. Reingold, L.V. Beyond CASE technologies / L.V. Reingold // Computerra.-, 2000. - No. 13-15.
  2. Smolyaninova, O.G. Information technologies and Case Study methodology in the professional training of students of a pedagogical university: Proceedings of the II All-Russian scientific and methodological conference "Education of the 21st century: innovative technologies, diagnostics and management for the purposes of informatization and humanization", Krasnoyarsk, May 2000 / O.G. Smolyaninova. - Krasnoyarsk, 2000.
  3. Smolyaninova, O.G. Innovative technologies for teaching students based on the Case Study method // Innovations in Russian education: collection - M.: VPO, 2000.
  4. Situational analysis, or anatomy of the Case method / edited by Yu.P. Surmina - Kyiv: Center for Innovation and Development, 2002.
  5. Dzatceeva T.S. Case technologies and their application in modern school literature lessons
  6. Zavgorodnyaya E.G. Case method in literature lessons as a means of developing meta-subject competencies
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