If you reset all the settings on the iPhone 4s. How to reset iPhone to factory settings: effective ways

Sometimes owners of iPhones need not to fill their gadget with useful information and applications, but vice versa - to completely clear the memory of the device, reset the iPhone. In other words, reset to factory settings. In today's instructions it will be described in detail how to return the memory of iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S to its original state, i.e. to "pure" memory, which it happens when you buy a phone.

It is easiest to remove information from the device using the capabilities of the device itself, and specifically using the reset section. But, besides this method, the article will also consider other options for clearing memory and iPhone settings   - with the help of aytyuns, aiklaud utility, using remote reset technologies, hard reset button, etc.

When iphone memory clearing is required

  • When selling a phone, because each new owner of the gadget wants to get it absolutely “clean”, to customize to fit your needs, order the programs necessary for it. So if you are going to sell a smartphone from Apple, you need to know how to reset the iPhone.
  • If the device was carried out numerous experiments, tens and hundreds of programs were tested on it, etc.
  • If there are problems in the functioning of the "OS" iOS.

Surely, the information that will be deleted in the future will be required by the user. Therefore, before clearing the memory of iPhone 4, you need:

  • To form aytyuns backup copy.
  • Transfer to aytyuns all programs from iphone.
  • Just copy just in case the list of contacts.
  • Move photos.
  • Transfer music tracks and video files.

After the backup, everything is ready for the memory cleanup operation. But the user will also need to check the Wi-Fi connection to the wireless network or the availability of the aytyuns utility on a PC or laptop. But the Internet must also be configured on the computer. However, the option with mobile internet will also come down.

And one more warning for owners of "apple" phones - the device must be unlocked. If this is not the case, no reset is necessary. And the owners of other devices from Apple (not smartphones), you can erase the information from the memory without fear of anything in any state devices.

Before the operation of cleaning the iPhone 4 memory, you need to make sure that the battery charge is at least 90-95%. If this is not the case, it is better to connect the gadget to the power source and bring the charge level to the desired one.

Finally, after all preparations, you need to go to the basic settings (this is a standard application). Next you need to flush the page to the bottom and go to the reset section. Before the eyes of the user, such reset options will appear, such as clearing all settings, erasing content and settings, resetting network settings, and others. Below are the most basic types of reset, and give an answer to the question of how to clean the iPhone. Cleaned and tuned device can be sold or filled with new data and software. If required additional settingsYou need to figure out how to format the iPhone.

How to reset settings on iPhone 4: steps

This type of clearing the memory of the gadget in the menu list goes first, and it is very convenient when all settings on the iPhone need to be erased (but at the same time other data remain intact).

The action algorithm for this operation is as follows:

  • Click on the reset button, after which the display will ask the user whether he wants to continue the process. At the same time, the system warns that information and media content will not suffer.
  • Confirmation of the operation after a few clicks on the reset section of all settings.

Then the process will start on the machine and will take no more than 2-3 minutes. In the process, all settings related to standard options will be erased, but contacts, music, photos, etc. will remain in the same form as before the operation. Safari bookmarks and calendar notes will also be saved.

Of course, how to reset all the settings, the above instructions do not tell, for this you need another way. How to do a reset and erase all the data, we learn further.

How to clean iphone 4 completely before selling

The button located at the top, allows you to completely clear the phone (we are talking about the button to erase content and settings). The method is suitable not only for smartphones from Apple, but also other devices from this manufacturer. This operation will be very useful to those who decided to sell their smartphone or donate it to another user, and who needs to return the factory settings, i.e. reset data completely.

To return the gadget to factory settings at 100%, follow these steps:

  • Press the button to erase the content, and, as in the previous method, confirm your decision by clicking on the appropriate button.
  • The device will immediately turn off and then turn on again. By the way, the procedure time will be different for different versions of devices. Also of great importance is the level of fullness of the phone memory.
  • Activate the iPhone on request, which comes from the system. Here we just need a network (wi-fi or aytyuns utility on a PC or laptop with Internet access).
  • The device will connect to the server of the Apple, which will take some short time. Without access to the network, it will not be possible to launch the cleared system of the device.
  • Next, the system will prompt the user to configure the smartphone as new or restore information from the backup. In accordance with our goals, we choose the first sentence, because we needed complete removal   data. And as a result, we get the pure memory of the gadget, as in the initial state during its acquisition, i.e. dumped device.

After the whole procedure, for the sake of interest, you can try to find in the phone at least some information that was previously. Be sure there will be no trace of her. Absolutely everything has been removed - contacts, music, photos, videos and more. The new owner of the gadget will need to install programs again. Just as you need to format the "new" iPhone.

If you were looking for information how to do full reset   data on the iPhone 4, use the instructions above. This allows you to clean the system and remove all content, and thus completely reset the system.

Reset iPhone 4: Network

Simple users also sometimes need to reset the settings on the iPhone, and when they reset the network settings. This is necessary when a mobile device (fourth iPhone, etc.) does not want to connect to a Wi-Fi point that seems to be set up, or there are difficulties connecting to a mobile network. If the device cannot detect the carrier network, for example, when a user has inserted a new service provider SIM card into the device, this method also sometimes helps. System settings and other information this operation does not affect. How to erase from the iPhone network settings, we also figured out.

It's so easy to clear the iPhone's memory and reset the settings. Wipe iPhone, as well as make a full reset iPhone, in a few simple steps. You can choose a specific method based on your goals. And do not forget that you can always return the erased information from the backup, as well as format it. Of course, if you took care of him in advance. How to return the iPhone, or rather, the data from the iPhone, which were deleted? Just do a system restore using the aytyuns utility.

Resetting the settings on the iPhone may be needed in various situations. For example, in the case of the sale of the device or in the event of various software failures.

In this article, we will look at two ways at once, how to reset the iPhone to factory settings. These methods will be relevant for all the latest models of smartphones from Apple, including iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s and 7.

Precautions when resetting iPhone settings

But, before proceeding to the description of how to reset the iPhone to factory settings, you need to make some warnings.

  • Before you begin resetting the settings, you need to make sure that the iPhone is at least 30 percent charged. Because if it is discharged during a reset, it will create additional problems for you.
  • Do not reset the settings on the iPhone with jailbreak. Otherwise, it may cause the smartphone to freeze at boot.
  • Before resetting the iPhone, it is very desirable to make a backup. If necessary, this will allow you to restore important information that was on the device before the reset. In order to make a backup, you need to connect the IPhone to the computer, run iTunes and open "File - Devices - Create backup".

Normal reset iPhone to factory settings

The easiest way to reset the iPhone to the factory settings is to use a special function in the settings of the device itself. To do this, open the application "Settings" on the iPhone and go to the "Basic" section.

After that, you need to go to the settings subsection, which is called "Reset". This section should be located at the very bottom of the “Basic” section.

After that, you will see a list of what can be reset on the iPhone. At the very top there will be two basic options for resetting the settings “Reset all settings” and “Reset content and settings”.

The first option “Reset all settings” is a reset that will affect only the settings of your iPhone. In this case, all your personal data (including photos, contacts, music) will remain in the memory of the smartphone.

The second option "Reset content and settings" is a complete reset of the iPhone. In this case, not only the settings of the iPhone, but also all the content in its memory will be deleted. In other words, all user data will be deleted from the smartphone’s memory.

In addition, in the “Reset” subsection, other ways are available to reset the settings: Reset network settings, reset the keyboard dictionary, reset the Home button, and reset geolocation settings. These methods of resetting the settings affect only the specific settings of the iPhone.

Reset iPhone to factory settings via iTunes

The second way to reset the iPhone to factory settings is to use iTunes. But, in order to use this method, you must first change some settings on the iPhone.

To do this, go to the settings on the iPhone and open the «iCloud» section. Here you need to find the function "Find iPhone" and disable it. Please note that in order to disable this feature you will need to enter a password from iCloud.

After the function "Find iPhone" is disabled, you can begin to reset the settings. To do this, connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes. After iTunes detects iPhone, you need to click on the device icon in the upper left corner of the program.

And click on the "Recover iPhone" button. Please note that there is a “Restore from a copy” button just below. This button is responsible for restoring the iPhone from a previously created backup and has nothing to do with resetting the settings. Therefore, do not confuse the “Restore iPhone” and “Restore From Copy” buttons.

After clicking on the "Restore iPhone" button, a pop-up window will appear with a warning about resetting the iPhone to factory settings. In order to confirm the reset you need to click on the "Restore" button. After that, iTunes will begin the process of resetting the settings on your iPhone.

In addition, iTunes allows you to reset the iPhone to factory settings in recovery mode. To do this, connect the iPhone to the computer, hold down the power button and the Home button and hold them for ten seconds, then release the power button and continue to hold the Home button. Thus, you will transfer the iPhone to recovery mode. Now you just need to click on the “Restore iPhone” button in iTunes and wait until the reset process is complete.

Resetting the iPhone to factory settings is the procedure for deleting all data from the phone (photos, music, applications, contacts, etc.), i.e. his return to the original state. In this publication, we will describe in detail how to reset the iPhone different ways.

Reasons for resetting iPhone settings

The operation in question is rarely performed simply for the sake of pleasure. Most often it is carried out because of the need and hopelessness. The most common reasons for resetting the iPhone’s settings to the factory settings are:

  1. Transfer or sale of the phone to a new owner.
  2. Numerous experiments, testing and testing of various applications.
  3. Problems with the operation of the firmware, as a reset sometimes helps to solve such a problem.

Saving the necessary information

Sometimes it happens that the iPhone needs to be reset, but its owner wants to store various information in the phone. In such cases, each subscriber can do the following:

  1. Create a personal backup in iTunes.
  2. Copy to iTunes the necessary applications from the iPhone.
  3. Also, you can save the numbers of other subscribers.
  4. Copy absolutely all photos, videos, as well as audio materials.

After performing the above actions, you can safely reset the iPhone to factory settings. But first you need to consider the fact that after the reset you will need a point wi-Fi access   or installed on a PC iTunes   with internet access. However, probably mobile Internet   also fit. No less important point is that the iPhone should be officially unlocked, otherwise it is not recommended to perform a reset.

Sequence of actions and types of reset

First of all, you need to provide iPhone with a high level of charging, but if it’s not 100%, then it’s better to be safe and put the smartphone on charge.

If the iPhone is connected to power, then you can confidently go to the standard Settings application, after which you should select the Basic option. Then you need to scroll the list to the bottom, where the section called “Reset” will be located.

When you open it, you will see several options available:

  1. Reset all settings.
  2. Erase context and settings.
  3. Dropping network settings.
  4. Reset keyboard dictionary.
  5. Reset function "Home".
  6. Reset geo-warning.

The most commonly used reset methods are the first three options, which will be discussed below.

Reset Apple iPhone Settings

This option will be an excellent solution for all subscribers who want to return the iPhone to factory specifications.

To carry out the operation, you must first click on the item “Reset all settings”, after which a window will appear with the text: “Do you really want to continue? All settings will be reset. Information and media files will remain. ” This notification must be confirmed, it is done with a few clicks. This operation lasts no more than a minute and applies all the initial settings in iPhone, even in all standard applications, but the audio materials, photos, videos, and contacts remain unchanged.

Complete dropping of content in a mobile device

The item under the second number "Erase content and settings" provides the subscriber with the opportunity not only to reset, but also to destroy all data from the iPhone. This method is most convenient for people who sell or give their iPhone to a new owner.

To perform the operation, you must click on the item mentioned above, after which a warning will appear again: “Do you really want to continue? All media files, data and settings will be erased. This action is irreversible. ” The process needs to be confirmed several times by clicking on the button “Erase iPhone”. The smartphone will turn off, and after two minutes start up again. Sometimes it happens that the reset procedure takes much longer, according to the phone model, as well as the amount of memory that is full.

After turning on the iPhone may require activation, which will need access to the global network. During the activation process, the phone performs various compounds   with Apple servers. After the end of the final stage, the subscriber receives at his disposal a completely clean and empty iPhone, where absolutely all information is deleted, starting from contacts and ending with authorization of the past Apple ID.

Reset network settings

This reset option is not as popular as the previous two, but also quite often used by users. It helps in situations where the iPhone does not want to connect to an organized Wi-Fi access point, or if there are problems with the Internet settings of the phone. In general, when a smartphone has any problems in the network, it is recommended to try this method. Its advantage lies in the fact that it does not affect any information, as well as other smartphone settings.

Apple's gadgets are renowned for their ability to protect the security of users ’personal data - on iPhones, you can“ lock in ”everything. However, the users themselves sometimes “go sideways”. Having put a lot of passwords, they will forget something.

We will talk about how to set and change various passwords on the iPhone, as well as ways to recover forgotten codes.

There are 3 passwords that the owners of “apple” products risk to forget:

  • Password on lock screen. Enter it to the owner of the iPhone every time you unlock the device.
  • Password restrictions   - protects applications from accidental deletion, restricts access to sites containing 18+ content. Through the section " Restrictions" at " Settings»You can remove the browser and camera from the desktops - only those who know the password of restrictions will be able to return these items.
  • Apple ID password. Without a password from the account, you will not be able to download the application from the AppStore, deactivate the " Find iPhone».

IPhone lock screen password

The owner of the iPhone enters the blocking password every day many times, therefore, cases when this code is forgotten are rare. For the role of a password lock, any combination of 4 digits will do, but it’s better to avoid primitive ones (like 0000). The user needs to remember that the password lock protects his photo, among which may be compromising.

How to put

Setting a password on the lock screen is as follows:

Step 1. Go to " Settings»IPhone, look for the section" Password"And proceed into it.

Step 2. Click on the item " Enable password».

Step 3. Create a 4-digit combination and enter it twice.

After that, the lock password will be set.

Note the other options available in the " Password". For example, through the menu " Password request»You can set the time period. So much time the gadget will have to stay blocked to ask for a password.

This option allows the active user of the gadget to avoid having to spend time entering a digital code several times in a minute. The optimal time period for requesting a password is 5 minutes.

You can also set a 4-hour period - but is a password needed in this case? at all?

Apple warns: the shorter the time interval for requesting a password, the more secure are the data on the iPhone.

Another interesting option is “ Erase data". The slider to activate it is at the very bottom of the " Password».

If the option " Erase data"Activated, then after 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, all information stored on mobile devicebeing destroyed. Needless to say, the user who ventured to turn on this option should back up data on a permanent basis?

How to change / disable password on iPhone

You can change the unlock code in the same section “ Settings". Go to it and enter the current password. Then click on the item “ Change Password».

Re-enter the valid code, then enter the new combination twice.

Password will be changed.

The user can set as a password not only a combination of 4 digits, but also a more complex set of characters - including letters and punctuation. To do this, translate the slider " Simple password"Inactive.

The iphone will ask you to enter a valid security code - then it will give you the opportunity to set a complex password.

The screen for entering a complex password looks like this:

Remove password from iphone altogether   very simple. Just click on the item “ Switch off password»And enter the current security code once.

How to reset if you forgot

A consequence of the unlock password reset will be the removal of all information on the iPhone. Therefore, before embarking on this procedure, it is worth it.

You can reset the lock password in 2 ways: via iTunes and via the iCloud website. If you decide to use the media combine, you need to act as follows:

Step 1. Launch iTunes.

Step 2. Enter your mobile device in.

Step 3. Connect your iPhone to iTunes with a USB cable. A similar picture will appear on the screen:

Step 4. Click " Recover iPhone ..."And in the window that appears, select" Recover and refresh».

If the speed of your Internet connection leaves much to be desired, you should be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to wait - after all, you have set the task for iTunes to download firmware that weighs about 1.5 GB.

Upon completion of the procedure, you will receive a gadget that you can - including protect with a new password.

You can reset the lock password through the iCloud website only if the “ Find iPhone". The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Step 2. In the main menu, find the icon " Find iPhoneAnd click on it.

Step 3.Write the password for your Apple ID and click " To come in».

Step 4. On the menu " All devices»Select the device you want to reset.

An image of the device will appear on the screen, as well as a list of actions that can be performed remotely with it.

Step 5. Click on the button " Erase iphone».

Then confirm your intention - click on " Wipe off"In the window that appears.

Step 6. Enter your Apple ID password again and click the arrow button.

This will start the process of deleting all data from the iPhone - including the set passwords.

Password restrictions on iPhone

With password restrictions on users of Apple technology problems arise constantly. Entering the password restrictions is much less common than the unlock code, so forgetting it is easier than ever.

How to put

To put the password restrictions on the iPhone, you must perform the following steps:

Step 1. Go to " Settings"Gadget and follow the path" Main» — « Restrictions».

Step 2. In the last subsection, click on the item “ Enable restrictions».

Step 3. Come up and double-write the password restrictions, consisting of 4 digits. It is not possible to install a more complex, including letters (as is the case with the unlock code).

Putting the password, you will see that all the sliders in the subsection " RestrictionsHave become active.

By controlling these sliders, you can adjust the limits. For example, switching the toggle switch " SafariIn the inactive position, you remove the browser icon from the iPhone screen. Deactivating the slider " Uninstall a program", You set a ban on the corresponding operation.

How to disable / change

Disabling password restrictions on iPhone is done in just two steps: you need to click on the item “ Turn off restrictions, Then enter the password.

You can change the password restrictions by disabling it and reinstalling. There are no other ways - but this one takes less than a minute of time.

How to know if you forgot

If you have forgotten the password restrictions, it is not necessary to reset the iPhone. Find out the password will be possible with the help of a special software. Program fit Pinfinderwhich you can download. The utility weighs only 1 MB and is downloaded in archive format - therefore, to use it, you must have WinRAR on the PC.

You can find out the forgotten password restrictions via Pinfinder by doing the following:

Step 1. Create a backup iPhone data   through iTunes. If the backup, which includes password restrictions, you have done before, you can skip this step.

Step 2. Open the archive and run the executable file. Pinfinder.exe.

Step 2. This window will appear:

In the column " Backup time»Lists the dates of the latest backup. Find the current date, then pay attention to the combination of numbers, which is opposite to her in the column “ Restrictions Passcode». This combination is the current password restrictions..

Passwords for restrictions and locks consist of 4 digits, so quite often users use the same combination. If the password restrictions are forgotten, you should first try to enter the unlock code instead, perhaps it will give the result.

Apple ID password

Apple ID password is set when creating an account. How to register an Apple ID, we will not write here - on our website there is an article that tells in detail,. More pressing is the issue of recovery forgotten password   from Apple ID.

How to change your password if you remember your credentials

To change the password from Apple ID, you need to act as follows:

Step 1. Go to the management page account   and log in - enter the Apple ID itself and its password.

Step 2. Answer a couple of control questions - just as you answered them during registration.

If you do not remember the answers to the asked control questions, you can reset these questions and install new ones. To reset it will be enough to answer only one of the 3 questions - any one of your choice.

Step 4. A window will appear - you will need to enter the current password (once) and a new one (twice) in its fields.

Requirements for a password from Apple ID are strict enough. The new password should consist of 8 characters (minimum), include numbers, uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, and don't be like   Not a single password that was used with this identifier in the last year.

Step 5. Having managed to choose the right combination, click on " Change Password…».

No more confirmations are needed - the next time you try to download the application, you will have to enter a new password from Apple ID.

How to reset your password if you forgot it

Apple ID password can be reset in 2 ways: via email   or by answering test questions. Reset as follows:

Step 2. Enter your Apple ID (the email address to which the account is attached) and captcha in the appropriate fields. Pay attention to the customer focus of Apple: a user with poor eyesight can force the service captcha to name   - if you click on the item " For the visually impaired».

Entering the captcha, you need to click " Continue».

Step 3. On the next page, select the option “ I want to reset my password"And again click on" Continue».

In this article we will look at resetting the iPhone and iPad settings. Resetting the settings may be necessary if you decide to transfer the phone to another person and want to get rid of personal data on the device. It is also recommended to use the reset settings to restore work. operating system   in case of incorrect operation (it slows down or heats up, does not catch the network)

Before resetting the iPhone and erasing its settings, you need to save the necessary information   on the computer. You can create a backup in the cloud (iCloud) to save contacts, notes, calendars and reminders. Photos, videos and music can be copied to a computer, if necessary.

We draw your attention to the fact that immediately after resetting you will need internet access   (Wi-Fi or mobile Internet) or iTunes installed on your computer to activate the iPhone.

The important point is the phone must be officially unlockedotherwise, do not reset. There are three ways to perform a full phone reset:.

In this article, we will look at resetting settings through the iPhone menu. To reset the settings, you need to open the standard “settings” application, select the “basic” section and go to the “reset” menu.

Reset all settings

This command allows you to reset all your iPhone settings without losing the files that are stored on your device. All will appear on the phone initial settings   for all standard applications, the network settings (Wi-Fi, VPN, cellular settings), dictionary settings, the “home” screen, as well as the alarm clock will be deleted.

All content: contacts, calendar, notes, programs, games, media files and iCloud will remain. After pressing the button “reset all settings” a notification will appear: “Do you really want to continue? All settings will be reset. Information and media files will remain ", then confirm the reset with a few more clicks" reset all settings. " It will also be necessary to keep the phone password. The reset procedure lasts less than a minute.

Erase content and settings

Another way to return the phone or tablet from Apple to the factory settings, but unlike the previous one, it affects the entire memory of the device, or rather the content stored in it. After erasing the content, all data from the device will be permanently deleted, and the settings are reset to factory settings..

If you find the iPhone function in the iCloud menu in the device settings, you must first disable it, to do this, enter password to Apple ID, without this, erase content and settings will not work. This method is useful when selling your iPhone. After you agree to erase the iPhone, it will turn off and after a few minutes it will turn on again, in some cases this the procedure can take a long time, depending on the model and the amount of full memory.

In order to erase content and settings, take care to level battery charge was no lower than 25%if suddenly the battery is completely discharged in the process of erasing, then you will need to restore the phone when iTunes help.
  After switching on, the phone will ask for activation, during which you will need access to the Internet, the phone can be configured as new or restored from a backup.

Reset network settings

This method allows you to eliminate   problems with iPhone connection   to wireless and mobile networks. When you reset the network settings, the data in the phone’s memory is not affected, all previously known wireless network   will be forgotten, you need to reconnect, the cellular settings are also deleted, you will need to configure the mobile Internet again

Keyboard dictionary reset

The iPhone has a self-learning function, that is, it remembers all the words that you have ever written on it. Sometimes the dictionary contains a large number of incorrectly written words and applies them to auto-replace. In this case, help reset the dictionary and keyboard, all saved words are deleted from the dictionary. The reset process is instantaneous.

Reset to home

If suddenly, you wanted to return ios desktop   to their original appearance, since they were located on the desktop when you took the phone out of the box for the first time, then you need to reset the “home” setting. Native icons will be moved to the first working screen and arranged in the order in which the developer has provided. Icons of non-native applications will be on the second and third desktop. If the application icons were grouped into folders, the grouping will be canceled, there will be no more folders.

Reset geo-position warnings

A geoposition warning is a program request (for example, Camera, Compass, Instagram) to use geolocation services. The first time you try to access data from geolocation services, the program displays a warning to enable or disable the use of these services. The command "reset geolocation warning" completely resets geolocation and privacy services. After reset, each application will re-ask permission. If you need to disable or configure geolocation in any particular application, you can go to "Settings",   then   "confidentiality"   and "Geolocation service"   and control this feature here.

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