Professional social networks rating. The largest social network

Social networks - a type of Internet resources with the ability to join different interest groups, discuss all sorts of links, videos, photos, etc. I do not know such people who have not heard at least about a pair of networks from the list below.

How did you find out about this site?
- I am a registered user.
- True? Do you do these things for singles?
- I'm a 32-year-old sysadmin who works in the basement. Yes, I do these things for singles.

Facebook has an audience of 750 million users in 200 countries. The service originated in 2004 as a site for communication between Harvard students, and what's next is a well-known story. Who has not seen the movie Fincher, I strongly advise - cognitive and 3 Oscars, no matter how.

The founder of service Mark Zuckerberg Forbes included in the list of the richest people in the world. Many independent programmers are working inside the site, the programs they have created have brought the lion's share of success.

LiveJournal is a blog platform that brings together all kinds of people, be it age, social status, religious beliefs, preferences, and so on.

In 1999, American programmer Brad Fitzpatrick registered the domain and created a giant service of virtual diaries. At first it was his personal blog site, then his friends and acquaintances began to unsubscribe, and they went. Fitzpatrick founded the company Danga Interactive, in 2005 the company sold a large corporation Six

Twitter is essentially a microblogging system, where users can post short texts of up to 140 characters using SMS, pagers and a web interface. Twitter was created in 2006 in San Francisco by Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, Neu Glass and Biz Stone. IT professionals worked on an R & D project with Odeo.

In October 2006, they opened their own company Obvious, with the help of which Twitter and Odeo were managed. Earlier there was nothing like this, so immediately after entering the market, the number of users of the tweeting network began to grow very rapidly. In April 2007, Twitter disappeared from Obvious and became

Tom Anderson and Chris Devulf met at XDrive Technologies, which they left and set up their own company, Response Base Marketing. The main task was to create a universal space for online activities. Initially, the guys focused on the interests of the creative part of users - photography, programming, music, cinema.

As of June 2006, the resource boasted 48 million unique visitors and 27.4 billion page views. Even the Pentagon decided to play on the popularity of MySpace: in the name of replenishing the ranks of the US armed forces, an official page of the US Marine Corps was created on the social portal, with the button “Contract


Every month, 65.9 million people come to the Internet on the Internet, 90% of whom visit social networks.

As the latest statistics show,

the most active users of social networks are visitors of the age category 25-34 years.

At the same time, the female audience manifests itself more actively (research Mail .Ru Group, TNS, comScore and Brand Analytics).
Leaders by number of visitors:

  • "VKontakte" (52 million people)
  • Classmates (42 million people).

Third place in the Russian Federation in the number of monthly visitors is "My World" (about 30 million people),
slightly smaller audience Facebook (25 million people).
Twitter  Russians visit much less often - in this sotsset look monthly 11, 6 million people.

Noticeable also the distribution of the age audience:

  VK and Twitter collect the age category up to 24 years, with the highest proportion of students among users (19% and 23%).
Facebook collects the most age category, and among them the largest number of specialists (25%), while Odnoklassniki noticed more employees (20%).

Also noticeably uneven distribution of users by district, most of them in the Central Federal District.

Social networks collect users in villages and cities, but there are differences in preferences:

  • visitors to Facebook and Twitter are more in large cities, with a population of over 800 thousand,
  • OK is in demand in small cities and settlements.

84% of visitors have accounts in various social networks, but at the same time some of them mainly use only one social network. “Loyal” audience in VK and OK: 14% and 7% of their monthly users have not used other social networks in the last month. Twitter audience has the largest inconsistency, only 0, 3% of users did not log into other social networks.

The VKontakte audience overlaps with the MM audience (87%) and OK (80%).
68% of VC users log into OK. 9 out of 10 Facebook users look in on VKontakte, and among Twitter users there are even more (96%).

The most popular topics discussed in social networks  (Brand Analytics) :

1 . Personal life, relationships and moods
2 News Talk
3 Discussion of products, services and events, recommendations and tips
4 . Entertainment - jokes, movies, pictures and so on.

Social networks have become popular in the first place and due to the fact that with their help everyone has the opportunity to express their own position. So, a blog, or a weblog or diary, maintained by users or companies, has taught people to express their opinions and be independent in their assessments.

Let's consider several categories of social networks. The first category is networks that provide users with access to proven sites of a particular subject by combining links to resources, thus forming “collective bookmarks”.

The second category includes directories that act as a database of scientific and popular information. Their second subtype is collective libraries, which users form by themselves, downloading content.

Narrow professional social networks are also quite popular, as a rule, these are all kinds of forums where information about various interesting events is published and discussed and assistance is given to beginners.

A popular destination is commercial and corporate social networks that allow you to provide support to clients of companies. Such social networks allow you to collect feedback on the work and products of the company and provide feedback to customers.

And finally, the two largest categories of social networks are gaming (for example, World of Warcraft) and communicative (LiveJournal, Facebook, MySpace, VKontakte, Twitter, My Circle, etc.). The first blog space was LiveJournal, launched in 1999, and the prototype of the communication network is the portal (1995).

What social networks are most popular in RuNet?

It is noteworthy that social networks in Russia are very different from their counterparts in the West - the content, audience, platforms and topics for discussion - we all have absolutely “our own”. Western trends are often not just late, but bypass Runet altogether.

For starters, we give a few statistics:

  • In Russia, 52% of people over 18 use the Internet. This is 61.1 million people (according to the FOM, autumn 2012).
  • In Russian hundred-thousand cities, Internet penetration is 60-70%. For comparison, in Great Britain and the USA - 70-80%.
  • By the number of Internet users, Russia ranks sixth in the world. A third of Russians prefer mobile Internet. The influence of social networks at the same time on the residents of the Runet is growing: in 2012, 82% of Internet users had at least one account on the social network. In 2010, accounts were 53% (VTsIOM).

The most popular social networks in Russia:

"Classmates" - use 73% of users of the worldwide network

"VKontakte" - 62%

“My World” - 31%

“Facebook” - 18%

Twitter is 9%.

One of the fastest growing networks is Twitter. In two years, the number of Twitter users has increased from 2% to 9%, while a host of other social media has been at about the same level over the past few years.

The age of 50% of users of social networks is from 18 to 35 years old, while the number of participants in social networks 18-24 and 25-35 years is approximately equal. The exception is Twitter and Facebook - users aged from 25 to 35 years in these networks are 38 and 39%, respectively.

According to the company ComScore in April 2012, Runet users spend on social networks an average of 12.8 hours per month. Most of the time is occupied by the sites "VKontakte" and "Classmates" - 35 and 24 minutes. per month, respectively. YouTube takes the 3rd place - about 10 minutes. per month.

Even in spite of the “black PR” wars that unfolded in 2012 in RuNet, and the increased activity of guerrilla marketing, people still trust reviews in social networks. Moreover, the number of people who believe someone else's feedback and recommendations is growing in RuNet.

According to VTsIOM statistics, about 62% of users believe reviews in social networks, 47% are guided when choosing tips on blogs and forums and 48% trust reviews on websites.

This suggests the first trend of 2013 in social networks: guerilla marketing will grow and flourish, more and more resources will be spent on working with negative.

However, the number of users registered in social networks cannot be an exact criterion for determining trends in social media in RuNet. Unsuccessful SMM-projects, publics and blogs that have curtailed their activities are not uncommon. The same thing happens in user accounts.

Referring to the numbers and see if the behavior of users on the Internet has changed.

Brand Analytics, a system of brand monitoring and social analytics, in just a few months of its existence has accumulated over 1 billion messages from users of Russian social networks. On the day, about 7 million posts, messages and comments are published in RuNet. This is about 200 million a month. We will conduct a more detailed analysis of the sites where the maximum amount of user content is published.

The ratio of the number of daily public messages between sources is approximately the following (private conversations are not taken into account):

The average number of unique authors who daily post messages in social networks (the authors of posts and comments):

Thus, on average, there are about two posts per one VKontakte author, in LJ - 6, and on Twitter - about 7-8 posts per day.

As in the statistics with the number of accounts, the growth is most visible on Twitter. This is trend number 2 - the growth of Twitter and its influence.

And although Twitter in the first place still remains a platform for famous people, it almost does not lose ground, it’s quite obvious that the flow of messages and the number of Twitter accounts will grow over the next year. Twitter contributes to the integration between different social media. For example, automatic posting on Twitter of their posts is possible from LiveJournal.

But such popularity of Twitter in Russia does not overshadow the VKontakte resource. Many users of Runet have chosen VKontakte as a platform for discussions. This is an exclusively Russian trend: the bulk of the flow of messages in the West on the subject of “social television” is still focused on Twitter. In addition, "VKontakte" has long been "groped" a new trend and moved from the usual search for classmates to the organization of active discussions in communities and user pages.

As for the LiveJournal service, over the past 3 years the number of its users has dropped from 9 to 5%, according to TNS Web Index. Against the background of the general growth of social media, it looks scary, but, nevertheless, the number of visitors to LiveJournal remains stable, and in some periods their growth is noticeable.

Another noticeable and steady trend is the professionalization of blogs. There are still thousands of popular blogs, many of which are successfully monetized, and in terms of content and audience size, they are becoming more and more like major online media. Here the LJ policy itself played a huge role, which has changed a lot since the beginning of last year. The so-called “Live Journal” ambassadors appeared in many cities of Russia, “bloggers schools” also became popular. It is safe to say that against the background of the arrival of social television in Russia and trends, when Internet media are increasingly socializing, as well as increasing users' confidence in information on the Internet, this trend that has been fairly stable for several years in 2013 will not leave us.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are at the top of social networks in the world, but users from Russia (and other post-Soviet countries, for example, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) often prefer regional replacements for these platforms.

And this difference in popularity can make a big difference for companies that use such sites for advertising, as this can completely change the marketing strategy (which is used in other parts of the world). In addition, social networks, whose rating in Russian-speaking countries differs from the global, can provide tremendous opportunities for international communication. Currently, the most popular are eight social networks.

"In contact with"

VK (formerly known as VKontakte) is the most common social network in Russia today, with more than 46.6 million visitors per month. Undoubtedly, this resource heads the rating of social networks in the post-Soviet space.

There are many interesting opinions about this site, but it can best be described as a combination between Facebook and the data exchange service. Like Facebook, each user has a profile, and he has the ability to search and add other users to friends to see their status updates, new photos and video clips.

Along with these traditional features, users can also download audio and video files of any kind and share these resources with other people. Previously, it was subjected to rigorous testing, since, from time to time, crossed legal boundaries, but recent reports show that VK now works with large record labels. This allowed the launch of a subscription service, which allows you to legally share media files. That is why “VKontakte” tops the rating of social networks in Russia for several years.


While VKontakte may be the most popular service among young users (aged 18–35), OK is more commonly preferred among social networks (initially Odnoklassniki). This service has more than 31.5 million visitors per month, with a greater percentage (69%) being women. This platform, by the way, was the first in Russia and, one can say, gave rise to such a phenomenon as social networks. The rating of sites of this category will always remain incomplete without its mention.

Like VK, OK allows users to create profiles, search for friends and share status updates and images. The main purpose of creating the platform is talking with classmates and friends, with whom users could lose contact many years ago, so the search parameters are detailed enough.

In addition, the site has a function that provides information about who visited your page (regardless of whether you are their friend). To view the profiles of other users, there is an anonymity function, for which you must pay (to enable "Invisibility Mode").

"My world"

Perhaps the best universally accepted analogue of the Russian “My World” is Google+. Both of these services are an extension of the Internet service provider. email  (in the case of "My World" - My World struggled to find its own unique niche at a broader level, but the popularity of the network is not so great. At the same time, more than 16.6 million people use this service every month to exchange images, music and videos, as well as to play games and meet new friends, therefore it is included in the social networks rating. The My World search strategy contains several parameters that are not found in other platforms.


Social networks, whose rating is high all over the world, have not bypassed the post-Soviet space. Despite the fact that Facebook is not the most common site in Russia, its popularity has definitely begun to grow - now it receives more than 21.6 million Russian-speaking visitors a month. This is not surprising, since Facebook is constantly changing its platform to better meet the needs of users.

Analysts believe that one of the reasons why Facebook is becoming increasingly popular in Russia is business communication. According to some sources, more than 30% of business discussions in Russia take place exactly on Facebook. Therefore, it would not be surprising if this platform will eventually lead the ranking.


Livejournal is a blogging platform that has been around since 1999, but has not been used since then in most countries of the world. This trend is far from the truth in Russia, where more than 15.1 million users visit LiveJournal every month. This figure is more than half of the total site traffic.


Twitter is another classic social media site that works well in Russia. Although he does not receive as many unique monthly visitors as many other services on this list (about 7.7 million visitors per month), he boasts subscribers from each of the users. Thus, despite the fact that Twitter cannot be a support for the majority of Russian social network users, those who decided to use it do it on a large scale.

Rutube and YouTube

Rutube is, in fact, Russia's answer to YouTube, a social networking platform focused on sharing videos for all types of content. Despite the fact that this service did not reach the same coverage as YouTube, it collected a lot of content from various users.

Rutube hosts both licensed content and user downloads. The vast majority of downloads occur in Russian. This high percentage of Russian content makes the platform an incredibly valuable resource for those trying to learn a language.


The first social media platform on this list, Instagram, has become extremely popular in the past few years, and its popularity in Russia is no exception. Instagram is moving fast in the rankings, and today it has 12.3 million users per month (of which 77% are young women).

This shift in popularity is largely due to cross-placement between Instagram and other platforms, where users can use great photo editing tools. This allows you to improve and capture a photo, and then publish it both on Instagram and on other popular social networking sites.

While the basic functions of Instagram continue to be easy to access and use, there are several options for tools and third-party applicationswhich most of the users don't even know about. It is assumed that this platform will soon lead the popularity rating of social networks in most countries.

Concluding this review, it is worth noting that the success of such unique social networks as VK and OK in Russia and neighboring countries may surprise those who are accustomed to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, who have a complete monopoly in the world.

There is definitely a number of advantages for sites that are targeted to a specific user base, whether geographically (as in these examples) or based on demographic data (age of users).

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Facebook is the most popular social network of all time. On all of our well-known site, you can upload photos, update your current status, send messages to friends, as well as post messages and opinions on your page. Facebook was originally called “The Facebook” - it was some kind of fantasy idea from a Harvard University student. The social site instantly became popular and continued to grow. Initially, Facebook was allowed to use only university students.

Socset began its journey in Harvard, and soon its creator, Mark Zuckerberg, opened it for other educational institutions. Soon the site of this social network became available not only for students and gathered millions of people from all over the world.

Many companies use Facebook to build their reputation and promote their products. There are several external companies that help support Facebook services. The seller of services can create a page on Facebook and post content on a regular basis in the form of advertising.

When Facebook first appeared, two students from Harvard University accused the creator of this social network of stealing their ideas. After the trial, Zuckerberg had to pay damages, the exact amount of which was not disclosed. One more time it came to court when the co-founder and financial director filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg after he was dismissed from the company, and the case was also decided by a secret amount of money.

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This is the second most famous and popular social network, allowing users to send and read messages called tweets. But tweets should be short - their size is limited to 140 characters. Twitter was first created in March 2006 and launched in July 2006. By 2013, this social network has become one of the top 10 most visited sites. Today, Twitter registered more than half a billion users. Many celebrities, politicians, world leaders, media channels and other businesses have Twitter profiles so their fans can follow their daily lives and events.

The second most top social network is also famous for the fact that it has come up with the use of hashtags (#), i.e. the most widely used characters for various events, so that millions of people on Twitter were able to use them in their tweets. Before getting into Twitter, the hashtag was used only as a button on the phone and was considered a symbol for numbers only.

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Linkedin is the third of the most popular social networks in the world and is intended for professionals in any field. The site was created specifically for professionals and businesses to combine in one place the best jobs and the best employees. Linkedin was founded in December 2002, officially launched on May 5 in 2003. In 2013, this site became one of the most popular sites among social and professional networks with more than 259 million registered users in almost 200 countries of the world. Linkedin is available in twenty different languages.

This network allows users to create their profiles so that it is possible to build real professional relationships with thousands of employers, employees, and other professionals in their field. Here you can find work and learn new business opportunities through the users with whom you are connected on this social website.

Those who are looking for a job often use the site to view profiles of HR managers for better preparation for the interview. When you register with Linkedin, you can mark jobs that interest you, where you want to send your resume. You can also congratulate other users on your promotion, and you can see who visited your page.

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the site is used to store, collect and share information. Elements that are stored on the page are called "pins." There are several other sites associated with this site that offer news and information, and there is an option to save. Just click on the “Pin” button on the information you want to load on the page, and it will automatically load onto your page.

Users can also pinpoint each other’s pages, so you can watch what your friends are interested in. Pinterest is a huge platform where you can show your creativity and interests. The user can also bookmark the Pinterest page with profiles on Twitter or Facebook. Pinterest has become one of the top 5 social networks in the last few years. As of February 2013, there are 48.7 million registered users, and this number is growing rapidly and rapidly.

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Google Plus, which is owned by Google Inc. - another one popular network  with a large number of users worldwide. Google Plus allows its users to create a profile page that contains an image, background screen, work history, your interests and the history of education. The user can also post status updates and see status updates of other people, can share photos. In order to see the news of friends, you need to add them to your "circle".

In November 2011, Google Plus profiles became a background for others. google servicessuch as Gmail, Google Maps, Google Play, Google Voice, Google Wallet, Google Music and Android - the most common operating system  for smartphones. Google Plus also has a Plus-1 button, which allows its users to recommend content that is similar to the Like button on Facebook.

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Tumblr is the sixth most popular social network that was created by David Karp in 2006. This social network is designed for micro-blogging. Users can post content and multimedia elements in a blog short form. The Tumblr homepage is a combination of your favorite blogs and posts from people your followers subscribe to.

In addition, you can send images, videos, texts, quotes, or share links on your blog, as well as have the opportunity to share other people's blogs. The user can also set up a schedule, so his posts can go out with a delay of several hours or days. Hashtags (#) is a great opportunity for friends and subscribers to find any messages and promotions with ease. Today, more than 213 million blogs have been registered in Tumblr.

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Instagram is the seventh popular social network that is used for mobile photo sharing and video in social networks. It was created by Mike Krieger and Kevin Sistrom and was launched in October 2010. Currently, there are over 300 million users of this popular social network.

Instagram allows its users to upload photos and share videos and subscribe to other users. Users can also link their Instagram account to their Facebook and Twitter accounts, so the photos that the user places on Instagram will automatically appear on these sites as well. Since the creation of Instagram, it has contributed to the emergence of some new trends in the network:

Selfie - self-portrait, made using a smartphone or from a digital camera.

Throwback Thursday - this trend appeared on Instagram and spread to Twitter and Facebook. Every Thursday you can post an old photo with the #TBT hashtag.

Woman Crush Wednesday - every Wednesday you can post a photo of a beautiful lady in love with you.

Man Crush Monday: every Monday you can post a photo of a handsome man.

Weekend Hashtag Project: The Instagram team at the end of the weekend offers a specific theme. You can upload a photo that fits the given topic.

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VK is the largest social network in Russia and Europe. Although VC is available in several languages, it is mainly popular with Russian-speaking users. VC currently has more than 280 million users. The most widely used feature on VK is messages. VK user can send private messages to another user or group from two to thirty users.

In personal messages you can transfer audio, photos, videos, files, documents and maps. The user can also post news, opinions and share interesting links on his page. There is a “Like” button, as in Facebook, but if Facebook likes automatically appear on the user's own wall, then VK likes are information that can be hidden. VK user can also synchronize his account with other social networks.

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Flickr is another popular site that allows the user to post and share videos, images and web services. Flickr was created in 2005 as Yahoo Flickr, and as of 2013, there are more than 87 million users. This social network offers 3 types of accounts. The first type of account is free, and with such an account the user has a limited amount of memory.

The second - "without advertising", also free, offers the same amount of storage, but without annoying advertisements. The third - account  Double type allows users to get double storage. Photos and videos that you download can be displayed in the normal viewing mode, slide show, detailed view, or have an attached archive.

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Vine is a social network for video sharing. It was founded in June 2012, and since then Vine has allowed its users to edit, record and download videos with only a duration of 5-6 seconds. The user can also make reposts or share photos, you can subscribe to other users.

The videos you upload can be automatically posted on Twitter and Facebook. If you want to watch videos that are uploaded by other people to which you are not subscribed, you can search by user name, topic or trending video.

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This was an article. Top 10 most popular social networks in the world. Thank you for attention!

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