Create a new apple id on the computer. How to create an Apple ID without a credit card

You can register in the App Store without iTunes, right from your iPhone. Of course, for this, your phone must be connected to the internet by any kind of communication.

Launch the App Store.

By default, it is understood that Apple is trying to invite everyone to register with the conduct of payment data.
  If you open any section and scroll the page down to the end. You will see the "Sign In" button. Clicking on it will go to the registration of the Apple ID.
  In this case, you will need to enter data at the end of the registration credit card.

There is another way - registering an apple id without a card.
  It's not obvious, but it's quite official. Even on the Apple website, in the help section there is detailed instructions  how to register in the app store without a credit card.
  To do this, go to the section free programs, select any of them and start the "FREE" button and then "INSTALL APP"

All further steps for registration will be the same. The difference is only one line on the "payment information" page. For the second option, you will be able to tick "No"

Select " Create Apple ID"(Create a new Apple ID).
  On the next page, select the country and click " Next“.

Here you need to accept the user agreement. Click " Agree", And in the appeared window click" Agree" again.

Enter your E-mail, password and security question. Entered E-mail - this will be your Apple ID.

Password requirements for registration in the App Store:

  • Password must not be less than 8 characters
  • The password must contain numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
  • The password must contain small letters (lowercase)
  • Password must contain large letters (CAPITAL)
  • When creating a password, do not use the same symbols

For example, the password L ena1988  will go since it contains 8 characters of a large letter and number.

The secret question is used when you forget the password.
  Next, you need to specify the date of birth and choose whether you want to receive newsletters on the mail.

If you are the owner of Apple technology, then you will definitely need an Apple ID. Create it with a link to the credit card probably will not have problems, but to create an Apple ID without a card is a little more complicated. First of all, Apple wants its customers to be solvent and able to purchase paid content, so when registering, it requires the input of credit card information. As a result, the registration of an Apple ID without a card is impossible without knowing the hidden loophole. In this article I will describe in detail how to register such an Apple ID.

Step 1.  The first thing we need to create an Apple ID without a card is iTunes. For example, I will use iTunes 11. Launch the program and go to the App Store section. Next, we need to make sure that we register an Apple ID for a Russian store. This is necessary in order that in the future, if you need you could connect a credit card of the Russian bank. You can change the country at the very bottom of the window.

Step 2.  Now we find any free of charge   application and click the "Free" button

Attention! This step is mandatory, skipping it you can not create an Apple ID without a card.

Step 3.  After that we have a window asking to enter login and password from Apple ID, do not pay attention to it and click on the button "Create Apple ID".

Step 4.  Next, we have a page on which we have to confirm our desire to create an Apple ID by clicking on the "Continue" button. In the next window, we need to accept the terms and the Apple privacy policy by ticking the appropriate box, and click the "Accept" button.

Step 5.  Having reached the window which is shown below, we fill in the data. Do not make mistakes with entering your email, because you will be sent to it registration information for Apple ID. For improved protection, be sure to specify a backup email, in the event of a hacking account, it will receive a message with instructions for data recovery.

Step 6.  In the next window you will be offered to choose a payment method, which is marked "No". The billing address can be specified either, it does not affect anything. Click "Create Apple ID".

At this point, we are completing the creation of the Apple ID, you only need to confirm your email address specified during registration and you can start using the account.

Congratulations on successful registration! Now you are a full-fledged user of Apple products!

If you have any difficulties, I suggest watching the video instruction on creating an Apple ID without a credit card, just go to.

Having difficulties? Write about it in the comments, and I will definitely try to help you solve the problem.

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Availability account  Apple ID opens access to the cloud data store, to the application store, as well as to many other features. But for this it is necessary to have a credit card with which payment for the installation of paid applications is performed. How to register with Atyuns with and without a credit card? Read our instructions and get at your disposal an account with the parameters you need.

Applications, music, movies, interesting and relevant books - that's what you can download to your smartphone with using iTunes. In order to download paid content, you need to attach a credit card to your Apple ID. With its help you can buy programs, albums of fresh music tracks, movies and much more. The use of a credit card as a payment instrument involves certain conveniences. But sometimes these amenities create problems for us.

For example, you bought an iPhone for your child and attached a credit card to your Apple ID. The child, still not quite understanding where the funds are on the card, can acquire a huge amount of obviously unnecessary content, introducing his parents into expenses. In this case, we recommend registering with iTunes without a credit card - so you will save yourself from unnecessary waste. If you need paid content, you can add the card in the future.

Method one

Let's find out how to register with iTunes with a credit card. Method one:

  • We go to the Apple website, under the heading "Managing your Apple ID";
  • Click on the link "Create an Apple ID";
  • In the registration form we indicate the address email  and other data;
  • We answer the control questions;
  • If necessary, check the box for receiving announcements and special offers.

After creating the Apple ID, you can enter your account information into your device and start using it. Each device will get access to the AppStore, iTunes Store, iCloud and many other services from Apple. To link a credit card, log in to your account from the PC and pay attention to the "Payment and delivery" section. Clicking on the link "Add a card" and specifying the details of your credit card, you will bind a payment tool to your account and be able to purchase paid content.

Pay attention to the control questions, which are indicated in the answers - in order to be registered, you must answer all questions, not one of them.

Method of the second

In order to register with the AppStore and get the opportunity to buy software and content, you must install iTunes on the computer and try to download some paid application. At some point iTunes will prompt you to enter the Apple ID to access your purchases. If you have already created an account and link your credit card to it, enter your Apple ID and password, after which you can make a purchase.

If you have not already registered the Apple ID in the above way, then when iTunes prompts you to enter your account information, click on the "Create Apple ID" button and complete the registration procedure. As a method of payment, indicate the type of your credit card - it can be VISA, MasterCard or American Express. Next, we confirm the registration with a verification code received by mail, after which we get the Apple iD with a credit card attached to it.

Method Three

How to register in Apple ID without a computer? Indeed, some users may not be at hand a stationary PC or laptop. What to do? The answer is simple - we can register an Apple ID with using iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. To do this, go to the AppStore store and try to download any paid application - since we have not yet specified here your Apple ID, the registration procedure will be started.

Registration takes place approximately the same as on the computer - follow the instructions on the screen of the smartphone. At a certain stage, we select the type of the attached card, confirm the creation of the Apple ID with the help of the control code and get a full account with the card attached to it. Now everything is ready to pay for applications, interesting books, music albums and other content.

Pay attention to the term "credit card" - it means all types of banking products, be it credit cards or debit cards of different categories and world payment systems.

  We have already said that using an attached card can lead to serious monetary losses. Also, many people do not like to specify the data of their cards, for fear of theft of funds. Their fears are quite justified, since swindlers do not slumber, regularly inventing new ways of getting rid of honest citizens from surplus funds on their electronic accounts.

How do I sign up for iTunes without a credit card and is this operation possible? Some users are sure that a credit card is required, but this is far from the case. We really can register in Atyuns without a credit card, using the provided functionality. By analogy with the above methods, we can register both on the computer and with the help of the smartphone itself. We will not repeat it twice and tell you how to register with Atyuns without a credit card using a computer.

In order to register, install it on your iTunes computer and try to download some free application. Atyuns will ask for the Apple ID, but since we do not have it, instead of entering the login and password, we click on the "Create Apple ID" button. Next, specify the email address, last name and first name, password, answer the control questions, and choose "No" as the payment method. At the final stage, we make a confirmation with the help of a verification code and complete the registration - an account without an attached credit card is ready.

Did you create an Apple ID account without a credit card, and later found out that you need access to paid content? You do not need to create another account - you can add payment information at any time by getting a tool for purchasing applications, music, videos and e-books.

Each user of the iOS device simply needs to have a personal ID of Apple ID (Apple Aidi), because without it it is impossible to access the mass of branded services of the "apple" giant and accordingly, the functionality of the device is seriously limited.

Unfortunately, for many, the requirement for the registration of a personal account to provide credit card information is becoming a serious obstacle to creating an Apple ID. Someone is purely psychologically unprepared to share such information, fearing that it will leak into someone else's hands, and someone simply does not have a bank card - in Russia, at least, there are still a lot of such people.

Well, we have great news - registering Apple ID is possible without a credit card and in this material we will introduce you to how to perform this procedure

How to create an Apple ID without a credit card on the iPhone and other mobile iOS devices?

First of all, it's worth noting that you can create an Apple ID using a card and without it, you can do it in two ways - directly from the device itself or through a PC with the iTunes utility installed on it.

Both methods are very similar, you will have to perform almost the same steps, so the choice in this case is determined only by which gadget you are currently closer to - usually, of course, it's easier to register Apple ID directly from the "apple" without using any, let's say , intermediate links, so we'll start with this method of creating the identifier.

So, you just bought, say iPhone (or another mobile Apple gadget) and turned it on. What awaits you? Not a momentary boot of the interface, but the initial setup, during which the activation of the SIM will occur, and a number of important parameters for the system will be established. Also at the initial configuration stage you will be asked to specify the Apple ID, however this step can be skipped, so we will proceed by tapping on "Skip this step".

After completing the initial setup, we get an activated pure device, which only waits for it to have its own ID. So let's start creating it:

Well, congratulations! You have a personal Apple ID and you can start using all its "benefits". By the way, if you suddenly decide that you are ready for purchases, for example, in the App Store, then you can always easily specify payment information. To do this, you need to tap Download on a paid application that you want to have, and the system will automatically transfer you to the page for specifying payment information.

Create an Apple ID without a bank card on the computer?

Well, now consider the way to register the identifier with a PC. Here, too, everything will be pretty simple, the only condition is the availability of the program iTunes. If you do not have it, we highly recommend downloading the utility from the official Apple website, because it is the main link between the iOS device and the PC, in particular, it allows you to reset music and other content, install ringtones, etc. In short, it will certainly come in handy.

So, if iTunes you have to start creating an account:

Done! You see, as we promised, the methods of registration are identical.

How to untie a card from Apple ID?

We must understand that there is absolutely nothing terrible in tying to the Apple ID card, with only one condition - if the iOS device is a conscious person. For example, here are some common situations. A parent buys a device for his child and does not know that Apple ID can be made without a card, but knows that you can create an electronic card with a balance of 0 rubles. So the parent makes such a card and specifies it when registering the identifier.

Unfortunately, there is one very subtle point - the system, when accepting the card data, does not take into account its balance, and payments can be written off with a delay. That is, your little daughter can freely download paid programs or content, and in a couple of days you will find that the account is blocked, because there is no money on this card, and until you put money on the card, and the payment does not pass, Apple ID take advantage will be impossible.

You probably have a question - and what can I do in this situation, how can I make a card untick from Apple ID? Is this even possible? Of course! And it's very simple:

That's all! Free applications and content the child can still download without problems, you can not get paid for it, and you will not get any unexpected accounts.

To sum up

Well, now you know how to create an Apple ID without entering payment information through the device itself and the PC, and also how to untie the card if it is already tied to your ID. We hope ours helped you!

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