How to learn to type on a computer quickly. How to type on the keyboard: a few tips for beginners. The main advantages of the blind typing method.

Greetings to you, dear readers! Today we will talk about how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard.

Any user who wants to communicate with your computer on YOU, should be able to type quickly and quickly, so as not to spend 2-3 hours on typing.

So there is only one correct method of fast printing - this is a blind ten-finger printing method. You must intuitively, mechanically remember where and which key is located. During printing, you don’t even have to think about whether you are going to poke your finger right now or still miss it. And all this is achieved in one single way - practice.

You start typing, and the keyboard under scrambled words shows you which keys to type next, as well as any red errors. This may seem like a more complicated type of test for some, but in fact it shows how the brain handles what you need to reenter.

This is a free program that will help you gain speed faster and more efficiently. This program focuses on how to teach you to “touch type”. Touching a type means that you do not look at the keyboard as you type; instead, you simply type and see how your suggestions are formed on the computer screen.

In fact, training 0.5 - 2 hours a day is enough to master the quick typing on the keyboard in 1 - 2 months. To do this, you just need to follow some rules, and then everything will turn out!

This article is about the rules of mastering the ten-finger method of printing and about the main mistakes. Of course, I will also tell you about the basic simulators and even give you a whole book that will help you learn to type quickly on the keyboard much earlier!

This will improve your input speed and give you confidence in your input capabilities. It may seem that this is really a basic game, the ability to quickly enter the alphabet is a key indicator that you know where your keyboard keys are. Only this feat can improve your typing speed.

When your fingers and hands work together to find the right keys, especially when you touch, you can speed up the amount you enter, no matter what you are working on. You are given funny sounds, images and even practice music that can make it a bit less like work and more like entertainment when you practice your skills. This particular name is intended for adults and children, making it an ideal way to start. From the very beginning, it offers an online keyboard that shows you where to place your fingers and how to move them to type most effectively.

It is especially important to own a blind ten-finger print method to people whose profession is related to computer work. Secretaries, copywriters, writers - they should all be able to type quickly. This will help save an hour or even two hours every day!

Personally, I own a ten-finger print method for quite a long time. My average print speed is 300 characters per minute, and this is if I do not strain. If I gather strength and concentrate fully on work, then my typing speed can increase to 400 characters per minute. Want also? Then read this article and practice! I believe that you will succeed!

This is a great way to take a break from working on your skills and make them more practical. While this may not seem like a way to improve the speed and accuracy of input, you are mistaken. Forcing you to recruit "shoot and kill" your enemy, before they can get to you, you are in a race for your virtual life. This can motivate the struggling machinist to “stay alive” during the game.

You can enter recruiting racers with other users on the site. When the green light tells you to go, you enter the full sentence in front of you in a race against other users. This not only checks how fast you type per minute, but forces you to correctly enter and return to the correction of errors if you make them before continuing. This is a great way to test accuracy, speed and compete with others to encourage you to enter more effectively.

If you want to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard as soon as possible, then you must follow some rules:

  1. First, never look at the keyboard while typing. You should not visually remember where and which key is located - everything should happen on the machine: you decided to type the symbol, and the finger itself reached for the desired key. That's how it should be.
  2. Secondly, each finger should press only its own keys.   Later in this article I will tell you which finger is responsible for which key. Be sure to follow these instructions, otherwise you may get used to typing incorrectly, and then the speed of your typing will decrease significantly. Yes, and relearn much more difficult than learning from the beginning.

Only two rules, but they must be observed, then you will succeed! Even if it seems to you that you are not working, then still do not pry! Over time, the accuracy of the set will increase!

It has “courses” that you take on the net, that start you from the basics of typing and work up to more advanced subjects. Since everything is done on the Internet, you do not need to download any software to get started.

How well do these applications work in improving input speed?

As you begin to make your way through each course, you can assess your progress and also see the areas in which you need to improve. When you have these basics, there is nothing that will prevent you from becoming a typewriter. There are many people in the world who cannot print accurately or quickly. If you are one of those people, you can change it with a little practice every day.

Also, do not forget about the position in which you should sit at the computer. You should not fall apart on a chair, because because of this, work efficiency will be extremely small! So sit down straight, as shown in the picture:

Probably all of you know that you need to press the keys with the pads of your fingers (except for the space, you have to press it with the edge of either the left or the right thumb). But few people know that not one finger, but the whole hand should be involved. Beats must be performed quickly, abruptly and rhythmically. All this will be taught by special simulators, which I will discuss further in this article!

If you want to really increase your input speed, you need to make sure that experience is a combination of work and play. If you tune in this way, you will not burn yourself before you can see the improvement in input speed. If you have other websites or programs that have helped you or it could have helped others, let us know.

We felt as if we did, because we were disappointed in other options, which were mainly based on some specific keyboards. Internationalization: Czech, Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. It is assumed that it does not depend on the keyboard layout, generating random sequences of characters, followed by the student. This is called adaptability because it develops the ability to adapt your typing skills to any strange words that may appear in some texts. Flexibility exercises: one reaches speed when typing, when the environment is well known, or when words come from the same language. That is why these exercises focus on speed. And even if your language is not supported by the application, you can still specify texts in any language to include the words contained there. Exercises for fatness: with the help of these exercises, one enters full paragraphs, With reasonable sentences. Special attention is paid to the rhythm of the input, which should be as even as possible. Like speed exercises, here it is possible to download any text files, regardless of the language. Charts: while performing each exercise, some characteristics of your performance are saved and can be graphically displayed. In this way, you can easily observe the course of study. Pure graphical user interface: when learning to type correctly, do not be distracted from the exercises. Consequently, the interface of Klavaro has become simple and will remain the same for life. As experience changes the way we enter information, we must take a different approach.

The location of the fingers on the keyboard

The first thing you need to remember is the initial position of the hands on the keyboard. Four fingers of the left hand (no big), we put on the keys FYVA  so that the index finger is on the key A, and all the others in order. Four fingers of the right hand (also without a big one) we put on the keys OLJ  also so that the index finger is on the key ABOUT, and all the others in order. So that you can find the keys A  and ABOUT  on the keyboard in the dark, they made special projections. Feel them and make sure that there are no more protrusions on any key!

Find your strengths and comfort points.

This means exploring a different approach to typing, finding our strengths with these new methods and updating our virtual “keyboards” to add input labels that speed up the process regardless of our talent. You cannot type all your fingers on a mobile phone, so you need to figure out where your strengths are: type with one finger or two thumbs. The same can be said about many tablets, if you do not have a 10-inch version, which allows enough room for both hands and all fingers.

This keyboard also shows which finger is responsible for which key (the space is pressed by the thumbs of both hands). Naturally, everything is immediately unrealistic to remember. Therefore, there are special simulators (I will tell about them later in this article) that while you are typing text, a keyboard with symbols is drawn on the screen in front of you. Here you can look at the keyboard on the screen, but in no case look at your real keyboard! It can spoil everything!

It also means that the keyboard takes up much less space, so you can see the content and not feel that the content is taller than it. However, more people will be comfortable when typing with two fingers. By default, using two fingers should provide greater speed, because you can cover more land at a faster rate. Since you have to squeeze your phone on both sides, you will get a little more stability and a natural sensation by typing your thumbs up.

Entering into landscape mode will make life easier, of course, as the keyboard becomes larger. The disadvantage is that your thumbs take up a lot of space and it will be easier for you to look at the keys. If you do not feel the need to look at the keyboard, it will not be a problem. One method may come to you naturally, but try both for a certain period of time and see which one is more productive for you. In addition to understanding your optimal approach to a set of touch screens, you need to find the most comfortable position.

Auxiliary keys

Auxiliary keys are keys that do not have their own character. For example, CTRL, SHIFT, CAPS LOCK  and others. All of them are in most cases pressed with the little finger of the near hand. All this you can see in the picture of the location of the fingers, which is located above.

When we print on a desk or laptop, our position doesn’t change too much. Our hands go ahead and rest on the keyboard. We are not in constant motion. If we carried our laptops and tried to type on machines while walking or on the bus, our accuracy and speed would be completely dead. You should look at dialing on the touch screen of your mobile phone in the same way and find the most comfortable position for you. Perhaps you just need to sit down or stop, avoiding any sudden movements, but most likely you will find that the position of your hands matters.

I will tell only about the functions of the keys required for typing.

  • Shift  - includes upper case (capital letters and special characters). For the key to work, it must be clamped constantly.
  • Caps lock  - all letters will be big. If you press Caps Lock and then Shift, then the letter will be small.
  • Enter  - usually pressed to perform an action.

Training programs

So it's time to talk about the main thing! To date, a huge number of all kinds of programs have been divorced, which help to master the blind ten-finger printing method. And it is not by chance, today it is very much in demand!

Typing on a laptop works well because you can calm your hands and focus on moving your fingers where they need to go. Often we recruit our smartphones while holding hands with our hands. Although it does not require much, we need to spend additional efforts to maintain our mobile stability. At first it didn’t have much impact, but as you begin to experience a little fatigue, your speed and accuracy of input will decrease, and you will have to change your position. This helps to understand which position works best, so you can use it by default before writing a long email address on your mobile device.

In fact, to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard, even simulators are not needed. You can use all of you known program Microsoft Word and drive the text there. This is also quite useful and this way of reclining is not necessary. Although with simulators, of course, it is much simpler: they have a beautiful interface, and they give you the text that you need to print. In general, the point is that we will use the simulators, as this will greatly speed up the work!

Learn the type on the touch screen

Find one that works for you, and it will be easier to type text. You may know how to enter text on the keyboard, but you are reading this post because you understand that typing on the touch screen is a different animal. For this reason, it helps to learn how to type from scratch, and applications can help. Offer some interesting gaming techniques to improve your typing skills on the touchscreen, but we’re not sure how much they really will help in the long run.

However, the practice of typing offers a simpler way of honing your skills. Entering applications can help because they can tell you where you made mistakes. This way you can find common ones and learn how to fix them. If you do not want to use the application, however, you can simply do it yourself by taking the Time to practice text block input. Enter a paragraph or two from memory. Disable autocorrection so you can see your mistakes and find your weak points. Practice will improve your typing, but only if you train well.

To learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, you do not need to download and try both simulators. They are all decent and cool. Therefore, download one any, and there it will be visible!

  • Stamina is a free treadmill training machine for the blind ten-finger print method. You can download it from the official site of the program.
  • Verseq is a famous simulator, which I prefer (a very user-friendly interface). You can buy it, and you can use it for free. You can download it from the official site.

There are also interesting online services that are also increasing the speed of printing. By far, the most famous and popular service today is

Find out where you hesitate and you can improve faster. The new keyboard can provide improved intelligent text functions, a set of gestures that allows you to create words without lifting a finger, and much more.

These applications allow you to quickly type text and send it to any other application.

While this is not ideal, it can save some time for some. It is safe to assume that many people who seek help on such sites are two fingers or hunting machines and ticks. While many people feel great in this direction, touch the sets of sentences that cannot be achieved by searching and searching for ticks. Here we will list for you some of the many benefits of touch input.

It is interesting because there is not only training, but also competition modes. That is, if you wish, you can compete in print speed with the same users as you.

I think that two programs and one service will be enough to learn the blind ten-finger print method! The main thing is not to be lazy, but also to practice, practice and practice. Do not forget to follow the rules of printing, and then you will succeed, and within a month you will be able to print easily and with pleasure!

At present, it will be useful for almost every person to learn how to type quickly on the keyboard. This will help, first of all, in work, since practically all workplaces are equipped with computers. You can master the techniques of fast printing yourself; you just need to follow certain instructions. By quick typing here is meant “blind” typing, that is, the way in which a person does not look at the keyboard when typing.

There will be no shortcomings after training with a blind seal. You will spend your time practicing typing correctly, but after mastering the material you will only have to reap the rewards. Professions that require the skill of fast typing, a lot. But even if you are at work and do not need high speed typing, this skill in any case will be your advantage.

After learning this technique will appear the rhythmic text input. It will also increase the pleasure of the work done, as you will become less tired from the keyboard.

In addition, perhaps your eyes will become less tired, because the translation of the look from the monitor to the buttons can be tiring.

It is known that the blind ten-finger print method on the keyboard was developed in 1988 by the American judicial stenographer Frank Edgar McGurrin. Before him, when typing on typewriters, people used the sighted eight-finger method.

Edgar McGurrin in practice proved the superiority of his development. And now, for more than a century, the training of fast printing for secretaries and other professions that need fast typing has been taught by the technique they invented, which made it possible to significantly increase labor productivity.

Basic rules for fast printing

Modern keyboard is designed specifically for the ten-finger method. In addition, a specific finger is “assigned” to each key.

Initially, the fingers are positioned as follows:

  • left hand: little finger - over "F", nameless - over "Y", middle - "B", and index - over "A";
  • right hand: index over “O”, middle one over “L”, nameless over the “D” key, little finger over the letter “G”;
  • the thumbs are above the "space".

The picture shows the color scheme for attaching fingers to the keys. So you can blindly control the location of your hands, on the keys "O" and "A" are small protrusions that you can feel with your fingers.

It is necessary to work out each finger to secure automatic actions for it. For example, first blindly work out pressing the left little finger on all "his" keys, then the right little finger, etc.

For space, use the following rule: press it with your thumb, not used at the previous keystroke.

When hitting the key should work not only the finger, but the whole brush. Brush after each stroke returns to its original position. Thus, the printing process consists of jerky rhythmic beats. If you paid attention to the work of professional secretaries, for example, in some old film, then, most likely, it printed that way.

You will be able to exercise well on special simulators, a list of which is given at the end of the article.


Try to remember the location of the keys on the keyboard, and then write them in the correct order on a piece of paper. For simplicity, try to memorize any 1 row of keyboard.

Try, without looking at the keyboard, to alternately type all the letters of the alphabet from “A” to “Z.” Use the ten-finger method described above.

The following tips can help you improve print speed:

  • A curved or as if broken in the center of the keyboard is considered more comfortable and ergonomic. Such an arrangement of keys will allow your hands and fingers to be less tired.
  • Watch your posture and posture. The back should be straight, arms lowered and relaxed, and located approximately in the middle of the abdomen (not at the level of the navel or chest).
  • Practice. The speed of obtaining the result depends on the amount of training.
  • Do not try to simplify the work: do not look at the keyboard and use all ten fingers.

Keyboard simulators

There are several free keyboard simulators that can help you master fast printing using the blind method.

In addition, on almost any of these sites you will find additional instructions and tips.

  1. Stamina - typing tutor (program for download). There are also a few dozen lessons for developing fast printing.
  2. Solo on the keyboard. Also program to download. The creators of the program claim that when using it, it will be possible to master the blind ten-finger method in the shortest time.
  3. VerseQ. Another program for the same purpose.
  4. Klavogonka - simulator in the form of an online game.

It does not take much time to try out all the proposed options and choose the program that you enjoy most.

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